On the recommendation of many veteran hunters i purchased this knife to have in my kill kit. Until I got my first deer Id been practicing working with this knife on Doves Id occasionally get with AirRifle. In 2015 got my first deer and the Piranta was pretty great. Skinning process seemed pretty darned easy. I even inadvertantly severed the shoulder from its connection to body before Id finished skinning that arm. What a difficult time-waister trying to skin a floppity barely-connected arm. Later on during the deboning process I messed-up (was running on 3hrs sleep) and sliced the index figure of my opposite hand pretty deep. Thankfully with the Piranta it was a clean cut and relatively easy to patch-up, put a new set of gloves on, and slow-down and keep going. The 2 big things I want the reader to take away from reading this review are SLOW DOWN! These are scalpels, they are seriously sharp, one lapse in caution can result in a bloody mess you dont wanna have to deal with... all alone, in the forest, in the middle of the night. The only things on my deer I didnt use the Piranta for were cutting off the backstraps, the brisket, and removing the skull from vertebrae. For those tasks I used a traditional fixed blade since they are deeper cuts where you drag the knife along the sides of bone as a guide. I didnt want to mess-up the scalpel blade by scraping it against the bones and/or apply too much force to it and snap it. Plus I wanted one long contiguous cut for those meats so used a 5 fixed blade there. And I know you can remove a skull with a Piranta, but I was exhausted and didnt remember the trick to how you do it, so I reached for my lil backpack axe instead, hehe.