When I first came across this blade I just loved the idea of a knife using scalpel blades so, I "HAD" to have one. After actually using for the first time on a 300+lb wild boar, it became my go to. I have owned many much more expensive fancy skinning/caping blades, and needless to say, theyve all been replaced with this one little lightweight knife. The extra blades are an awesome addition and the blades do hold up well. Im able to get about 4 hogs fully dressed, cleaned and skinned before replacing the blade is needed. I could probably get more out of them but, always like to work with as sharp of a knife as possible. As for corrosion like the gentleman from Alaska said, I can see how the harsh saltwater could do that but, it hasnt been an issue for me (I live nowhere near the ocean). Since my first one, Ive also picked up the Tracer 22 for caping smaller game such as coyotes, bobcat, and those tighter areas on trophy hogs, deer, and anything else thats headed for the wall. Overall I couldnt be happier! Great little blade. Price is great for such a nice little knife. I started with the nice stainless handled ones, after loosing one in the field I just stick with the nice bright orange ABS handle instead. Harder for me to lose:)