
For faster, easier skinning and field dressing of any kind of wild game, it’s easy to see why the Piranta-Edge is our best-selling knife. Big or small, the Edge is ready to handle the job.
Item No: XTI-60AEDGE
In stock
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● 6 additional stainless steel 60A™ blades, 2-3/4"
● Super-strong military grade polymer handle
● Overall length 7-1/4"
● Ambidextrous thumb studs
● Open back for easy cleaning
● Liner-lock construction
● Removable holster clip
● Nylon holster included
● Fits all Piranta blades

Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used this knife for the first time this week on two white tail deer. It was used from start to finish on both of them with the same blade. Gutting, skinning, quartering, deboning and cutting up the meat. Blade seems to be getting a little dull upon completion of the second deer. I will keep the same blade for the next deer for comparison. Seem to make the whole process easier and quicker. Take the blade off to clean the tallow from the pivot point and replace after cleaning. easy to do. I gave a 4 star because I need to use it more to give a 5. I will update this later after more usage. For what I have done this is a great knife.
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Havalon Piranta does it all!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
After buying my brother one as a gift and watching him skin out our Moose last year I decided to pick one up for this hunting season.  A few deer have been put into the cutting shed this year and all of them skinned out quickly and easily with the Havalon.  I even used it after a successful BC Salmon trip, sure the blade could have been longer but I cant remember carcasses being as paper thin with my fillet knife as they were with the Piranta.My only real comment is blade durability and cleaning (difficult with any folding knife mechanism), but none of that would deter me from recommending them!
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great knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
incredible knife, I used it for skinning deer, field dressing, and butchering deer in the field.  Also use for skinning coon and coyote.  Incredible sharpness and easy to change blades.  I have skinned 100+ animals with this knife.  I highly recommend it.
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great knife I recommend it highly
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife I used it opening day deer season. Worked great.
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This is the bees Knees, coolest tool/toy I owe
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Im a butcher so this helps when Im working at the store, when I hunt its great for skinning game, when Im not working/hunting, I replaced the knife with one that is dirty. I use the dirty one for anything like a regular knife and I still sharpen it, even though its suppose to be replaced, but for every day use its a great knife. Even thought its resharpened(dirty one) it works great, better than any knife I have. When I need to cut meat or animals I simply switch the blades with (new) clean ones. Highly recommended it, and also recommended getting a lot of spare ones in case you need to replace or multiuse.
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Survival Kit Must Have!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I bought two: the orange model for my survival kit. Great for making fuzz sticks for fire starting, cleaning fish, birds, and small game.I bought the black model for daily carry. A gazillion utility uses, plus as already mentioned numerous uses in processing fish, game, and fowl. I even used it to cut pork, venison, and beef into chunks to fit into my meat grinder for making sausage, or at least I did until my drug addled brother stole my grinder.Great for ultralight backpacking!Caveats: you cant get crazy with this knife or youll break it...not that you should get crazy with any knife! Obviously the blade is too short to fillet anything larger than a small sardine, but thats just the nature of the beast. All in all, this is probably the best knife I own. Its so versatile it could have been called the Volksknife!
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Give it a shot. You wont regret it.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I skinned and quartered two red deer hinds and caped a Fallow buck with one blade and it was still sharp.  I wanted something different after dulling my knife caping an Aoudad with tough hide.  Just be careful when caping as one flick of the wrist will slice through the hide.  A must have tool.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The knife is extremely sharp and durable. I have skinned and de-boned 7 medium to small deer with one blade. (Due for a change according to Havalon). The only negatives are that it take a pair of pliers to change the blade and fat collects between the blade and the mount. Not an issue, just a possible concern. Thanks for a great product! Works as advertised!
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Not washer/dryer sturdy
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great for skinning deer. Replaceable blades easy to change. Bad news - forgot it in my pocket and the knife body fell apart in the washing machine. Not happy.
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Ridiculously sharp
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used mine for the first time on a caribou. Blade was still functionally sharp after one entire animal but I changed it anyway. Knife was so sharp I worried about sloppy technique and injuring myself after dark. Go slow and watch what youre doing!
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Best Knife on the planet
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Im a Taxidermist so I use a lot of blades in my shop I only use Havels blades and have for years, I baught the first knife for a very good friend of mine for Christmas because he wanted a knife that he didnt have to sharpen every night, so I got the piranta edge for him and he fell in love with it. I eventually baught one for my self and I use it when I guide other hunters for skinning and quartering, I can skin 3 to 5 deer with the same blade before having to change it out, now thats what Im talkin about. Cant leave home without it.
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great knife for a trapper
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
great knife.  pocket clips arent sturdy.  first one came off and handle split. returned it for exchange and second one has already lost a screw.
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Last field knife Ill ever own
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used the piranta last fall.Skinned quartered and boned 2 Buck Antelope 2 Bull elk and a buck mule deer and too many doves ducks and geese to count. Used 5 blades...broke 2 learning the limitations  of this knife. Ive used stout dull knives my whole life and was leaning on this knife like I had become accustomed. But with this knife you need to let the razor sharp blade do the work. Like the product so much just received the piranta bolt in the mail as my second havalon knife. My only question is can I use the # 60 a blade in my original piranta? They seem to fit ok. Thanx again 4 a great product!
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love this knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Just received mine. Very impressed with edge and how solid the blade mounts. Can see this knife make my hunting experience way easier.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
When I first came across this blade I just loved the idea of a knife using scalpel blades so, I "HAD" to have one. After actually using for the first time on a 300+lb wild boar, it became my go to. I have owned many much more expensive fancy skinning/caping blades, and needless to say, theyve all been replaced with this one little lightweight knife. The extra blades are an awesome addition and the blades do hold up well. Im able to get about 4 hogs fully dressed, cleaned and skinned before replacing the blade is needed. I could probably get more out of them but, always like to work with as sharp of a knife as possible. As for corrosion like the gentleman from Alaska said, I can see how the harsh saltwater could do that but, it hasnt been an issue for me (I live nowhere near the ocean). Since my first one, Ive also picked up the Tracer 22 for caping smaller game such as coyotes, bobcat, and those tighter areas on trophy hogs, deer, and anything else thats headed for the wall. Overall I couldnt be happier! Great little blade. Price is great for such a nice little knife. I started with the nice stainless handled ones, after loosing one in the field I just stick with the nice bright orange ABS handle instead. Harder for me to lose:)
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Fantastic Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife. Ive dressed and skinned many elk with this knife in the past few years. Just simply replace the blade when dullness becomes an issue and continue your work. Blades will occasionally break when stressed laterally, but it is of little issue when carrying plenty of replacements. Blade replacement takes a matter of seconds and the blade attachment mechanism is solid and does not wobble or disengage from the handle. Would recommend for anyone.
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ok for the money buy replacement blades
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used the knife on three white tail deer it was sharp at first but found that it dulled easy after hitting bone or brisket. found that one blade would do one deer also the handle design held tallow and was hard to clean up. i would recommend the knife for the novice hunter but wont get rid of my marble knife.  with the replacement blades you always have a sharp knife in the field
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Great knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Small size is handy and fits my hand well while cleaning fish, birds, and deer.
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Awesome Skinner
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Saw a friend use one last season on two deer. He did the entire job with one blade. I knew I had to get one.  Hope to put it to good use very soon.
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This knife is NOT for coastal regions
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I carried the EDGE everyday working for 6 weeks in Southeast Alaska. The blades are sharp and clean right out of the pack, but after leaving them in my front pocket for a few days of work they corrode heavily. They lose their edge, even with NO use. I am extremely disappointed with these knives. I have used your scalpels and blades for skinning and detailing bears and all my furbearers. I guess that these new knives and blades are made cheaper than the scalpels. Bottom line, I will NOT buy another piranta.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use mine on pigs, deer, wild dogs, foxes and small game. It has never failed and is always super sharp. What more could a hunter ask for? Highly recommend them to all Australian bushmen.
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A suggestion to make it more complete
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I just received my knife and I like what I see although I have not yet used it. My focus was on finding something light in weight, versatile and sharp. I think I found it. I realize that from a marketing perspective it may make sense to sell the case seperate from the knife but it would be great to see the knife with a case especially since the blades are throw aways and they need to be with the knife. Just a thought that you may want to consider. I look forward to using the knife.
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Perfect present for my husband
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I ordered this knife for my husband and he LOVES it. This is something he carries everyday. Many of his friends have ordered these knifes as well after seeing his!
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Drew blood right out of the box
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is not the knief to trim/clean your finger nails with.  We became blood brothers right out of the box.  When skinning or gutting game, be extremely careful, it will slice past where you want to stop.
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Awesome knife(Crazy Sharp) blades
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I just purchased this knife last week and it suites all my needs. I carry it with me all the time now. I have already skinned 2 deer and it continues to cut diffrent things when i need it. All on one blade. I am just curious how long i can go on one blade. I have owned all types of knives but never one quite like this one!!!
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too much whiz and not eough bang
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
blades are expensive for the amount of use I get out of them.
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Excellent Skinning knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used my knife to cape a bison and it made short work of a very large job.
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Great knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife for field dressing game. Light with no need to carry a sharpener.
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Great all around knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I am a big game guide in Canada so I do alot of hunting and skinning in a year, probably more than the average person and this knife is great for caping and fleshing. Also great for skinning the hide off the skull of an animal. Was really great for turning lips, ears, eyes and nose and the fleshing of the face. These knives are difficult to find in Canada and replacement blades can also be difficult to find to buy in Canada.
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Knife is spectacular!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I am a big game guide in Canada so I do alot of hunting and skinning in a year, probably more than the average person and this knife is great for caping and fleshing.  Also great for skinning the hide off the skull of an animal.  Was really great for turning lips, ears, eyes and nose and the fleshing of the face. These knives are difficult to find in Canada and replacement blades can also be difficult to find to buy in Canada.
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Great Blade
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used this on my mule deer I shot this year and was very impressed. I was able to get through cleaning and skinning the entire deer with just 1 blade. By the end it was dull, but I would expect that out of any knife. Nice thing about this, I just swapped the blade and didnt have to spend half an hour sharpening. One thing I do not like however, is the handle. For my purposes I chose this knife for visibility if I set it down. But I think the clip isnt necessary and Im debating removing it. If I used it everyday it would be valuable, but this knife is my cleaning/skinning/caping knife. I would get rid of the clip and add more rubber inserts to the other side of the handle. This might make it slightly heavier, but when my hands are bloody inside an elk or deer, I dont want to risk losing my grip with a knife this sharp.The sheath it comes with serves the purpose, but its quality isnt on par with that of the knife. And with the extra blades, its hard to find one that will fit the same purpose. I just wouldnt trust this sheath on my hip when Im battling scrub oak on the hill. Bottom line is I will always keep this knife in my pack. Whenever Im on the mountain, this knife will be in the pack that Im wearing. Its a great knife and cant wait to see how its get better.
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perfect for hunting
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
when i pack far into the mountains and harvest it is nice to have a tool to cape out the animal so you only have to carry back necessary parts.
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A sharp little skinner
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The little orange knife is awesome. Its sharp and holds an edge very well. When it does get dull , you are just seconds away from a new knife. Just change the blade and you are back to work.A few months ago , a friend and I were hog hunting in statesboro, Ga. We had taken 16 hogs . Well , the hunt was over and the work was about to start. As we started to skin these animals , the little orange knife just kept on cutting and cutting. Four and a half hours later we were done. Yes we changed the blades , but it was fast , we didnt have to stop and sharpen any knives. We just kept right on skinning. You will not go wrong with one of these knives. Scott
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Stone Sheep hunt in B.C.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Recently went Stones Sheep hunting in the mountains of British Columbia and brought along my Havalon Piranta. Weighing in at 2 oz it was a great packing knife. We harvested a 9 and a half year old stones sheep and used this knife to skin, cape and flesh the hide. The sharp blades made a big job go smooth and fast. This knife is now a part of my yearly sheep hunting pack.
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way to tight
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
have 2 of these one is fine the 2nd one however is way to tight - usually break the blade when changing them
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The best, but two small downers
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I love it. I end up using a Leatherman to change blades, and keep a rubber band around it to keep it from opening in my pack or my pocket. I recommend this to anyone, newb or experienced hunter, for skinning, field dressing, even joint splitting. You do still need a fixed blade or stout folder for regular survival stuff, but this will take care of all meat care by itself!
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havalon piranta
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I love mine for skinning and field dressing. Replaceable blades mean never a dull knife! The orange handle lets me set it down with no fear of losing it!
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Wish I would have bought other blades with a more rounded curve also!
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Fantastic Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this knife for deer hunting.  It is lightweight and super sharp.  It comes with 12 replacement blades but one stays sharp forever. This knife is top notch, it dosent get any better than this one! There is a larger version of this knife however I personally think that the smaller of the two is really easier and better suited for the task. Highly recommended.
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Do-it-all Scapel
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I purchased the Piranta-EDGE a few months ago, and never leave home without it.  From skinning out coyotes to stripping insulation off electrical wires, it serves as my "all-purpose" pocket knife.  Great size for small game processing.  No need for sharpening - insert a new blade and the knife is back to new with effortless cutting.  Excellent product!
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best knife in the world
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
when i finaly shot a deer i got the oppertunity to use my havalon knife. it made skinning and cutting the meat off the bone so easly. a friend of mine got a deer also and i helped him skin out his deer. i asked him to hold my knife a second then he was like wow this knife is so light and i said use it. i watched him he goes wow its so sharp. i told him thats the same blade from the first deer i shot. he said to me no this cant be the same blade i said yes it is. he said let me see how it does on the back straps i told him it does a good job because the blade are thin. he tried it and got done with one side and said wow i really like this knife. i told him if u think about getting one go to your web site and buy one. told him u get 12 extra blades and one already in the knife. i can say one one thing this knife was the best knife i have ever bought. its vary simple to change a blade and holds a vary good sharp edge. i give this knife a 5 star and plus if i could go higher in a rating.
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best knife ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this knife to process a very large bull elk killed in the marble mountain special elk hunt in California
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Sharpest Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
It was amazing in field dressing and skinning a whitetail. Sharpest knife i have ever used and it came with 12 extra blades, so after i was done processing my deer i threw away the dirty/messy blade cleaned the handle and stored it away until next time.Perfect Christmas/Birthday gift!!
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Best knife ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
It is not made to be used as a tough knife as the blades will brake if you put any angled pressure on them. They are made to cut and skin and nothing works better. I used mine in Alaska to skin cut up and cape a grizzley. The outfitter forgot his saw and the entire job was completed in no time with this knife only.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Processed one large deer over the weekend from start to finish, still on the same blade. Used the filet blade for removing silverskin. EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE !!!!!!  Highly recommended !
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I love this knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used 3 blades to skin out and butcher 2 elk and 4 whitetail.It is fantastic to ALWAYS have a sharp blade!Orange handle makes it easy to find around a kill site and in the backpack.
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best hunting knife ever!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife is small enough to handle in tight areas, will never get dull, and is easy to see with its bright color.  I also really like how the folding handle is open to the air to prevent gore from getting caught up in there.  Overall a great knife.
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SUPER SHARP, it quartered a bull elk!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I quartered a bull elk with this knife!!  Broke 3-4 blades in the process, but it was super super sharp and got the job done! Would highly recommend this!!
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Super Knife a must have in any pack
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Only con is I try to do to much with it and break the blades.Just back from Wyoming quartered and caped 2 elk ,my guide took both my knives.
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Love it.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
What can I say?  It does exactly what its supposed to do AND does it pretty well.I mainly skin wild pigs but deer also when theyre in season.The best part is, NO SHARPENING.  You could never sharpen a knife to be as sharp as these are anyway.  The blades are also cheap, which is a plus.
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Greatest knife ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This has been the best knife I have ever owned.  It does it all and then some.  I have let friends use my Pirante and have had to fight them to get it back.  The only thing I have to be careful of is not to cut myself.
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WoW. Outstanding piece of cutlery!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is a fantastic knife.  Came highly recommended.  Yes it is indeed sharp!  Quick change blades, are easy to replace.  So far I have only used to process Quail this season.   Getting ready for a pig hunt, looking forward to the opportunity dress a pig with it.This knife is a must have in my gear bag.Only con I have had is the belt clip.  It has stretched a bit and no longer holds the knife securely in place when clipped to a belt or pocket edge.Otherwise I am extremely happy with this knives performance!
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Must have tool
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Watched a guide in Colorado skin, cape, and quarter an elk using a Piranta in record time and it sold me.  I cant go out in the field without one now.  Its absolutely the best tool there is for field game care.
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great knives
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have been using Havel / Havelon knives for many years.
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Holds up well
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Skinned 5 hogs and one elk without changing blades!
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great knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great for fleshing hard to reach areas like the toes and edge of hide. Great for any cutting that does not require prying. The blades are somewhat fragile.
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I never hunt without it!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I guide big game hunts, deer, elk, moose, and use my Piranta for everything from skinning, capeing, and quartering. Its so light you dont even know your packing it.I like just a few seconds to change the blade and your ready to go with a super sharp knife. I also pack a Baracuda with me, it works great for removing the backstraps from moose and elk. I occationally break a few blades when I get in a hurry.
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I would buy this knife again in a hart b
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this knife for an every day knife for what every l mite be doing. I do do quite abit of carving with it,and I like how its always sharp
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Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Really like not having to worry about having a super sharp knife.  Great for all kinds of tasks...expect to use it on game this fall.  Be careful changing blades...need to have a pair of pliers handy
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Havalon Piranta
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I can now use 1 knife to process big game. In the past I would have 8 knives sharpened and use all of them to process 1 big game animal.
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Great knift
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
THis is yust a great knift for your deer hunting needs.
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gotta have one
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive used it to field dress and skin whitetails and perfroms great, steel in blades are good for holding edge so you dont replace blades that frequently. and if you use the blade in a questionable area (infection/bacteria) you just throw the blade away and put in a new one.
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Great Skinning Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this knife to skin coyote and raccoon. It works great and is sharp all the time with being able to change blades out.
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THE Single Best Piece of equipment EVER!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
this knife is the best money ive ever spent on hunting equiptment. I use it for everything. very useful for caping and skinning. the #22 blades are perfect for skinning heads for mounts. and for small furbearers. If you do any amount of hunting seriously you deserve this tool.
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Fantastic product!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Compact, lightweight, easy to find in low light and ALWAYS sharp! One of the best birthday presents a dad could hope for....
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Piranta: You definitely have an EDGE
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
In the circle of sustenance ethical hunters understand the proper respect due a harvested animal. This set of ethics demands a prompt and professional field dressing to assure there is no wanton waste of game. The Piranta makes this task easier and more proficient. This is definitely a product that gives you an edge.When field dressing or skinning your animal, the Pirantas surgically-sharp blade helps to aid with speed and finesse. With its ergonomically molded handle and easy-grip black rubber inlay, the design allows for proper fit and comfort. A bright blaze orange handle makes it easy to find should you lay it down in the woods or weeds. The convenient pocket clip gives an added option should you decide not to carry it in its sheath. Weighing in at just over 2 ounces this knife is perfect for the weight conscience hunter.Having used a variety of hunting knives across the years the only thing I regret is that I did not own a Piranta-EDGE sooner.
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Outstanding knife, VERY SHARP and LIGHT!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I was introduced to the Havalon Piranta Edge through "The Meat Eater" TV show. I gave it a go. Wow! This is a great knife and is very sharp! Ive skinned, dressed, and processed 2 deer before my first blade became as sharp as my regular hunting knife. At that time, I decided to change blades(to see how to) and process my third deer. Simple. I have introduced this knife to many of my hunting friends. They simply responded with a collective, "Wow, Ive got to get one of these knives"!!! Go get you one too.
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A must
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I purchased this knife this fall and Used it to skin two elk. It was incredibly sharp and held its edge well. I only had to change the blade twice. It was also very light and easy to control the blade which is very important when using such a sharp knife. I would reccomend this product to any outdoorsman or woman.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Too long to list! This knife is good for anything!
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Excellent knife for skinnnig and caping
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I was envious of a guide that was using this knife in 2011 and purchased one of my own for the 2012 season. Ive skinned 7 deer so far this season and I am extremely satisfied. I no longer have to hunt for a sharp knife as I always keep extra blades handy.
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Excellent skinning knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this knife for skinning mule deer and elk. I typically skin out 2-3 animals before changing out a blade. Blade replacements are cheap, and its very nice to start with a new edge without having to do any sharpening. Replace the blade, back in business. These blades are sharp enough to perform detailed work, such as caping out a head for those trophys that are going to the taxidermists, or even for cleaning skulls for a European mount. Warning...you cut yourself with this blade, its going bone deep! Super sharp! My first blade change made the hair stand up on my arm just thinking about it. Great tool to have in your pack!
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Best Skinning Knife Ive ever had.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
First time I used a Havalon, it belonged to a friend. I cleaned 6 Wild Hogs, and the Blade was still razor Sharp. I got online the next day and bought my own. I never go to the lease without it.
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Awsome product
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive used this knife on big game and fish. I back pack hunt a lot. Weight is at a premium. I used to carry two knives and a sharpener. I now just carry my Piranta and 4 blades. I can skin/gut, quarter and bone my game with just one knife and 2 blades. I carry extra just in case I break a blade or lose one. (Hasnt happened yet)
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perfect color to see if dropped in weeds
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
ordered this knife for a Caribou hunt in Alaska worked great and was easy to find when laying in the Tundra............
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Never run out of a good edge again..
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This havalon knife makes meat handling a breeze. Very light, compact, and eay to use. Works perfect for skinning and processing meats. Works well in my pack. Carrying extra blades with me ensures I never lose an edge eve again. Ihave always been skeptical about new knives like this...but Im glad I tried it.  Very good purchase.
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The Best Knife I have ever owned.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
You can cut up an entire Moose or simply skin a Fox with this knife it does it all.
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Always Sharp
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
If you are like me and can not get a sharp edge on your knifes this is the knife for you
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Great Knife!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this knife for everything. Whether its elk, deer, small game or fish. Great product!!
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This thing is the best skinnin knife since man first chipped a sharp piece off a rock! CrAzY Sharp!!!  Cut through hide and meat on a mulie so fast and clean i had to count my fingers when i was done and reassure my self i still had all of them! Where was this thing when I started hunting 20yrs ago!
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great knife,great price
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used knives for first time easy to use liked the easy blade changes
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Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
One of the lightest, sharpest knifes Ive ever had
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I purchased the Havalon, and one for our Son. We went Whitetail Hunting in Northern Idaho, and had great success. With one blade, we cleaned and skinned three deer. And Caped my wifes buck very easily. (She always shoots the biggest) Anyway, when we got home, I immediately had one shipped to our host in Kamiah,Id. He loves it too!Great product!! Testing the knife on Elk this week.
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great knife, always sharp, many uses
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use my knife for about evert thing from skining to opening letters, very light weight for carrying in your pocket
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have used this knife around the house and it is fantastic. I have no doupt that it will do a great job for what ever you may ask it to do. I love this knife.
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This is the only knife you will need.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This sept. while elk hunting my nephew shot a black bear, we dressed it, skinned it out completely for a rug then just to see what the blade had left we were able to skin out and bone 3/4s of my buddies elk before we changed the blade. I dont get impressed easily but this is a solid product and would recommend this to the harshest critics to give it a try.
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I love this knife!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I hate sharpening knives, but hate using a dull blade even more, so this knife is perfect for me. you do have to be careful not to twist the blade or it will snap, but that is my only complaint. The blades lock in and stay better than I thought they would. I love this knife.
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The pinacle of hunting knives
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is the best knife on the market for a hunter. This knife and the Havalaon Baracuda are, hands down, the sharpest knives you will ever use. In fax they are so sharp that I advise caution when using them.My first time using them on an elk, we used to go through 4 knives constantly sharpening them to gut, skin, quarter and process the elk and it was a battle even with those knives. I used one piranta and one baracuta blade to do all of these same tasks and when the blades were dull for the second elk I just swapped them out.
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Excellent quality
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Shipping was very fast, Very pleased with the knife, Cant wait to field dress and skin my deer this season. Have to be very careful due to the sharpness.
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Scary Sharp
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I own a skull works business and use Havalon exclusively. These are the sharpest knife I have found. There is a slight learning curve with the blades as they will break under some stressful situations, best advice just relax and let the blade do the work.
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Best knife ever!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
You cant go wrong with this knife.  Its always sharp, and when its not, it takes 30 seconds to attach a new blade.  Bright orange color prevents loss in the woods.  I love this knife!!
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Best Skinner - EVER
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great Company
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Simply gets the job done.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Working as a guide in Montana and hunting on my own in Colorado, this knife has helped keep my pack light and get the job done faster. Unless I am caping, one blade will take care of an entire elk. And when it comes time to cape, just snap a new blade in and youre good to go.I particularly like that I dont have to carry around my 3 knife set and sharpener anymore. When it come to the blades they are flexible enough to follow the bones and keep as much meat as possible. The dull tip on the one blade is great when being careful with the hide, but the sharp point on the other easily gets into tight places like around the tear ducts and close to the pedicle. The only con I can think of is that it doesnt come with a container to put used blades in, but as for the performance and versatility, its the only knife I use.
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the knife that never gets dull!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used my Havalon Piranta-Edge BLAZE to help skin five buck this year in deer camp the best knife for the job. New deer, New blade get out of the way! Used it to breast out a few ducks as well, is it possible for a knife to be too sharp?
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Bought this knife being skeptical about the durability of the blade retention system. Turned out that it worked as advertised, and impressed me with its ability to get into tight spots and cut with little force. Works great from birds to big game, and its not just a skinning knife, as I used it to cut up meat as well.
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Great Skinning Knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The Havalon Piranta-EDGE Skinning Knife is an all around incredibly sharp knife that has a multitude of uses. Compact, Lightweight and Incredibly Sharp! Great for skinning game, or used in my archery or gun shops!Thanks Havalon!!!
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Best Knife ever!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is a wonderful multi-purpose.  Replaceable blades make it much more user friendly
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like cutting with a laser!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
this knife is almost revolutionary in the way it tackles big game.  Gone are the days of sawing away.  now, its a finesse job, and its amazing how skin and muscle separate like the red sea.
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Great product
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have many knives. When I got my piranha I started getting more for gifts. My nephew uses his daily.
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great for skinning deer and other game
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
always a sharp blade is a plus for skinning deer and small game. i carry one in my truck,boat and hunting backpack. also give these as great christmas gifts to customers and friends
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
love it!!
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Great knife!!! I love it.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I love this knife, I hardly use any of my other knives anymore. I hand forge knives, and I have to say, Its putting me out of business. I run a trapping line and it cuts skinning time in half. plus, without sharpening, theres more time for cutting.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Love this knife I have used it from skinning a buck to carving pumpkins for Halloween blades stay sharp for a long time
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Makes my harvest easy to process!!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this product when processing my game I harvested in skinning & meats preparation for packaging.This product makes it so easy and reduces the time in half in skinning the animals and meat preparation. Its so compact and does and amazing job. Its the best product Ive use in my forty years of huunting. I have also purchased this product for several of my family & friends as gifts. I really dont have any negative things to say about this product, just be very careful when using this product! This product is very sharp and could be a bad accident if you happen to cut yourself.
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Great safety knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
i use this knife mostly as a safety knife at work. its an amazing knife for hen you really need it. I also use it for hunting and fishing. It has sort of a filet knife flexibility.
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Awesome knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great at skinning  any animal!
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The best knife youll ever own
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have used this knife to skin and bone out Mt.Goat,Elk,Mule Deer,Whitetail Deer,Turkey,Ducks,Geese,Fish. Just about everything. Just be careful cause it can take a finger tip off if ya let it.
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Excellent Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Excellent knife.  Although I keep all my knives razor sharp, they still dont hold a candle to the Piranta.
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6 Caribou in 8 days
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
6 of us went on a self guided, fly-in Alaska Caribou hunt this year. Even though the hunting was slow we all managed to bag nice caribou. Two of us had Havalon knives and they worked amazingly well. Each bull had to be field butchered and packed back to our lakeside camp for pickup by our float plane. THe Havalons made quick work of quartering and de-boning the animals.We also used the Havalons to cape the caribou in the field for our taxidermists.This is where the knives really shined. The sharpness, the easy to change blades and the ability to use both large and small blades really helped with the caping chores and assured that we did not damage the hides.Since this was a flyin hunt we were pretty limited on weight. The Havalons are light and you can bring plenty of extra blades and still carry less weight than a standard hunting knife and sharpening stone. Overall a great product.
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Best knife Ive ever owned
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used to carry several knives in my pack, especially for larger game.  Now I carry the havalon piranta.  I have used it on elk, bear, mt. lion, and mule deer.  It performed flawlessly even when caping the tough hide on a bull elks neck.  I hate sharpening knives, and who wants to do that in the field?  That is why the havalon piranta is my favorite post-kill tool I own.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
After using it once I bought 2 more to give as Christmas gifts!  Great knife!
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Works great on Squirrels
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I skinned 6 squirrels this weekend and it did the job remarkably well. The blade is still as sharp as when I started.  Cant wait to try it on big game.  Also, I dropped it in a pile of leaves, and found it almost immediately.
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Most useful tool in my pack. Buy it!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Best skinning knife I have owned.One blade lasts a lot longer than I ever imagined.I use it to gut, skin, process, you name it and it can do it.
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Perfect for outdoors
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have used this knife on deer, hogs and fish. Having it makes cleaning Trout easy. Change blade after each deer (blades are cheep). Hogs take 2-3 blades (skinning hogs is tough work). I cary it in my pocket always. Great for general use as well.
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I use my Piranta every day
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Hunting, game processing, fishing, camping and opening hard to open clear plastic product packages. I even cut a seat belt to free an injured driver in a traffic accident so EMS could treat her.
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Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I bought this knife for skinning coyotes and raccoon and it works great.
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Awesome !
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Mainly use this knife while skinning game...it works awesome for that and i am amazed at how sharp it is and will hold an edge.However i find myself picking up a larger knife at times for the more heavy duty stuff because the blades are not very thick.
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I liked the product I bought two for me
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use it to skin and debone all my animals.Very sharp.Easy to change out blades.Liked it so much I bought two for two friends.I own two myself.
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Great knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife for skinning game. Love the disposable blades. They are sharper to begin with than most any knife blade and once they get dull just replace it with a new one.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is a very versatile and easy to use knife.  The interchangeable blades mean you always have a extremely sharp  knife available where ever you are hunting or fishing. This knife is light weight,and easy for even the a new hunter to use.  You cant go wrong with this purchase.
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The Only Knife You Need!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is the best knife I have ever had!! I use it for skinning my animals & d boning. I love how long the blades stay sharp & how easy it is to change the blades. It is the only knife I take with me. I would DEFINITELY recommend this knife to anyone!! :)
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Keep your eyes on it around friends
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
5 stars of course, scary sharp and a joy to use. The first time I used mine was to skin out a beaver and it did a great job on that fatty hide. This year I had the chance to use it on my first elk and first bow kill. They are awesome.!!!!!
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Best knife for the pack!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I quartered, deboned and caped my bull elk last week using only this one knife! I did break 3 blades but carrying extra blades is easy since they are so light. You should always have pliers to change the blades otherwise you could cut yourself easily. The blades are a little week wear they connect to the handle but as long as you stay away from any bone you will be just fine! I highly recommend this knife to every hunter out there! I say its a must have for any pack!
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Best knife on the market
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
One of the best knives on the market today real sharp i love the 60XT blades the 22XT work on it you just need to use pliers to put them on these knives can cut through anything.
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Big Game hunters best friend
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
My husband was watching his hunting shows on tv one evening when a commercial aired for a new Havalon knife.  My husband said hed sure like to have it.   I took a mental note and 2 weeks later bought my husband this knife for Fathers Day. He lit up like a kid at Christmas.  He loves his knife and doesnt hunt or guide hunts without it in his field dressing bag. He was highly impressed with the quality and durability of this knife and all the replacement blades were an added bonus.  Now I know what to get him for Christmas, birthdays, and anniversaries. Gotta be a Havalon.
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My new favorite field knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive had this knife for about six months now and absolutely love it! Super sharp and its great for skinning wild pigs. The fact that you can replace the blades eliminates the need to use a sharpening stone.
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Scalpel sharp and always in my pack!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used my Havalon Piranta when breaking down my elk this year. Have used one before and loved it, but using it on a huge animal like an elk was awesome. Super sharp and cut through like the meat was butter. My buddy ended up turning the wrong way and cut into his finger. Deep cut, but the knife was so sharp it healed very quickly. I would recommend this knife to anyone, especially the backcountry guys concerned with weight.
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Great knife for skinning ang bonning
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used this knife and my Baracuta skinner to skin and bone 5 deer and one elk so far this year! I was a sceptic till I watched a guid use one last year And I knew I had to have one so I got both sizes for all my game from cleaning grouse up to the bull elk I skinned and bonned 2 days ago. I dont have to carry a sharpener in the field any more! Slip the old blade off and the new one on and keep working! LOVE IT!!!Kelly EzellGold Bar, Wa
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Best skinning and filet knife ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this knife to fillet over 80 stripers on my last trip to lake Powell. Was still sharp. We used it to skin and de bone a mule deer with one blade.
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best knife ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have three backpacks and carry a havalon knife in each.  Woudntt leave home without them.  This is the best all-purpose knife made.
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Best skinning knife I have used
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Easily the best skinning knife I have used. It made quick work of my moose last year and it impressed me so much that not only do I tell people about it, I bought one for my brother. I really cant think of any negative comments about very well built knife.
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Best knife I have ever used
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
These are the best knives I have ever used and would not use anything else in the field or in my shop as I am a taxidermist, I have been using these knives for the last five years. Take a small fine steel with you as the stainless steel blades can be sharpened when the blade roles over when you hit bone. I cape four to five deer on the same blade. Great customer service. I would like to see Havalon come up with a small container to put used blades in while in the field.
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like this knife would recomend
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
skinning deer
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife is amazing for cleaning and skinning. Super sharp and  never dull. Just let the blade do the work and it wont break.
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Such a great knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is such a great knife. It has been used for cleaning deer and turkey and I have not had one problem with this knife and all. The blade is super sharp and does quick work of deer and turkey.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I love the PIRANTA EDGE for field dressing, it cuts effortlessly through whitetail hide. So easy its like opening a zipper, i cut my skinning and field dressing time in half, easily. I also love it for de boning and getting that fine film off of venison, allows you to cut precisely so you waste as little meat as possible. Overall this is a great product and i plan to keep one on me while on all of my hunting trips. The blades are easy to change and ultra cheap, so no more dull knife for me!!!!!
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Outstanding performance and quality!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The Piranta and its bigger brother the Baracuta have replaced every knife and sharpner I have collected over the years for handling game. Still use a bone saw at times but thats it.
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Best Knife Bar None
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Couldnt ask for a better knife.  I have tried several different setups, from small skinning knifes where I was constantly sharping my knife till I could nt hardly keep an edge on it by the time I was done with my elk.  To big knife setups with bone saws.  No need for any of it.  One knife and a pack of blades and your off.  Wether its saving weight for a backpack hunt or hunting just out of the truck, your not going to be disappointed. My buddy and I both have one. We completely skinned and boned out two bull elk with these knifes.  It took six blades to stay sharp and move quickly per bull.  Hide is the biggest killer as you know. Skinning the head will use one blade.  Depending on how you tackle your skinning you could skin and bone with one blade if your methodical per side.  Bottom line, Get One.
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A must have for every outdoorsman
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I purchased this product this fall and used it to skin two elk. The knnife is very light weight and has excellent grip even with wet hands.  I also used it for carving pumpkins and it worked great.  Super sharpblades make carving and skinning game a breeze. I would reccomed this product as a great addition to any outdoorsman or womans pack.
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A time saver
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Last season I was able field dress 5 deer before I needed to change the blade. I usually needed to sharpen my other knife after every other deer and it was a more expensive knife.
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Small But Right Size
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great size for even big jobs
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Would recommend to ANY hunter
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this mostly on whitetails, turkey and waterfowl. The knife is the best one Ive ever owned. I can use on blade for multiply deer and while it is easy to snap a blade in two, I can pop on a new blade and be back to work in no time. I love this knife and Ive given them to family members as gifts over the years and now it seems like everyone in our deer camp uses the Piranta!
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simple, sharp, a all out great knife!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I love this knife. Ive had mine for a few years now and I have nothing bad to say about it. I like the orange handle because when out in the field I can safely set the knife down and find it very easily. I like how the easy the blades are to replace!!! I can skin a deer, Cape out the head, and cut up some of the meat all with one blade, and end with a sharp blade still!!!
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I can feild dress a deer as well as process the whole thing with one blade. While not like new afterwards I wouldnt call it dull and could easily continue using the same blade. My brother got one free with a backpack purchase. Shortly after that he ordered 3 more. A spare, one for my bro-n-law and one for myself. My brothers somehow developed a small crack near a screw at the end. It was still operational that season. In february we were at the eastern outdoor sport show in harrisburg PA. We showed this to lady behind the counter. She shrugged and said it looks like you need a new one. she turned and put a new knife on the counter with a pack of a dozen blades, stating we are here to stand behind our product. Then I took them up on current sale price of 100 pack of blades for $25 if memory serves. Cant beat that. The only setback was she was out of 100 packs so actually got several "dozen" packs instead totaling 108 blades for the price.. Great product at affordable price
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Great Knife, Use it for everything
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Its so good for everyting it has replaced my pocket knife
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Fantastic Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
My wife bought this for my birthday in May, so I havent gotten to use it yet on a deer this fall, but I cant wait to test it out. I have used it to skin squirrels and it works great. Plus my kids think its great because Steven Rinella uses it (which is where we first saw the knives) and anything he does is good enough for them! We actually used it to clean squirrels my 8 year old son and I shot recently. Looking forward to much more use. The only reason I gave four stars is because I havent yet used it on big game.
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great knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this knife for gutting ,skinning and for cutting up meat. when the blade gets dull it just takes about 30 seconds to replace the blade.
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Sweet !
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I think this could be used for taxidermy work too.The rubber type grips are set for right handers, glad the clip can be removed so it`s out of the way for lefties, but all in all, it`s a sweet sweet knife.
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piranta is awesome
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife.
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super knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
use it for all my hunting needs, gutting, skinning, caping. easy to change blades, will use almost any havalon blade, extremely light. be sure to get a case so you can carry extra blades with you.
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Executive Chef says--Simply the best!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I skinned a doe in about 5 minutes 2 weeks ago, same blade from start to finish of course and still have the blade on the knife. Super easy to use and one heck of a sharp blade....coming from an Executive Chef that is saying something, I love SHARP!!! The switching of blades is simple, but not easy or cheap. It holds in place extremely well.Carry case is perfect holding extra blades and made very well.Color, mine is bright Orange, is great in the field!
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive used this knife (have 6) to skin many things, caribou, hogs...its an awesome fast sharp knife. Easy to change blades. Dont get rough with it it will snap the blade, skin dont pry.
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the finest blade
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The blades cut through skin with ease and are still sharp enough to fillet the meat. From a-z this knife will perform like no other.
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Works very good!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this to skin my last black bear. Worked great when doing the head.
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Nohing beats always having a sharp knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use it for field dressing, skinning and everything you can think of. It even slices cheese :)
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Great for hogs!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I just used 1 blade to skin 3 80-100 lb.. Wild boars.... This is why we use your products.... Who wants to spend time sharpening blades not to mention the fact that in 10 seconds I can have a new blade on there if I need it!
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three guys three knives one moose
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I shot a nice bull moose in southern Yukon, two of my friends took out there knives to give me a hand, I took out my havalon and gave it to them to try. they both tried it, I watched and they were so pleased with the Havalon skinner, they kept skinning. The job was done, I didnt touch the moose. Both guys have now ordered Havalon knives.
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An Instant Classic
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
On a high hunt this year, my buddy and I each brought only one knife; the Piranta.  Every task from slicing cheese to field dressing and boning out a mule deer was accomplished with four replaceable blades.  One knife and a few blades has replaced my old standard of carrying two knives and a diamond stone, and this shaves off a lot of extra weight.  Buy one!
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a taxidermist thought he knew knives.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Caping heads properly is an art..This knife makes it much faster and a lot cleaner.Youre hands do not tire once you figure out to let the blade do the work and not your force..I carry one in my pack one in the house and one in the glove box..The rest of my hunting knives stay sharp too. because i do not use them much.Great product.
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I will always have a Havalon
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
When you need a sharp lightweight blade for skinning or carving up meat this knife is excellent. A fraction of a dollar replacement blades is way better than time spent sharpening. It is not a heavy knife for pushing through cartilage or small bones.  The blaze orange helps keep me from walking away with my knife left behind on the ground.
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Would and will buy this again
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife is easy to use and I have used mine to cape out elk, Deer, Swan, Sandhill Crane and misc birds with no problems.  My knife handle I found on a gravel road.  It had been driven over two weeks before i stopped and picked it up.  The plastic has a few places where it was bent but it still works smoothly
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havalon piranta
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
over all a great knife i will be looking into getting a smaller one in the future. my main issues were with the texture on the grip. the over all angle and feal was great but when my hands were bloody the knife was hard to keep a handle on. also 3 times the blade came off in between the skin and ribs... it was fun going in after a razer blade that is lost. over all a great product and will for sure buy again.
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Where was this 25 years ago!!!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
skinning deer a 10 fish cleaning a 10 I cant bleave how long it stayes sharp and when it needs sharpen 30 sec. later your at it again.Can you skin a whole deer oh yes
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excellent quality, easy handling
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
this a great knife for all animal  cleaning needs and fine taxidermry work .
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I will never be without it again
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used my Piranta for the first time on a Mule Deer and loved it.  It was by far, the sharpest blade I have ever used and I only changed blades once.  It was great not having to stop, clean and sharpen the blade, and then start again.  I used to carry 2 to 3 knives and a sharpening steel; never again.  Thanks for making a great product.
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Best Knife I have ever used.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have only used mine to clean one bear. Since I am having the hide made into a rug I wanted everything to be perfect. My Piranta did a great job.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife is great.  I will buy the torch next.  It is supposed to have a thicker blade.
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great skinner
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
skinned 10 coons still on 1st blade..Great knife
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Fantastic for skinning always sharp!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Both my husband and brother in law use this knife for skinning. Its always sharp and to swap the blade(which is very seldom) is a breeze. Wish I had a pair.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
My favorite knife. I think that says enough. Gone are the days of carrying the collection of heavy knives. You can have a Piranta and a dozen blades for less than half the weight of what you are carrying now.
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Hands down the best
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
We on a average year in AZ. Elk hunts skin and quarter aprox. 6/15 Elk and this knife gets it done Two guys can skin and quarter a thousand pound animal in aprox. 35 min. No stoping and changing knives or sharpening here might break a blade but for the most part we got it down over the years we can get through a entire Elk with a single blade maybe two if we break one CANT SAY ENOUGH GREAT TOOL. THANKS!!!!!!
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What a great piece of hunting equipment!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Got this knife late last year and this year is the first time that I had a chance to use it. Great knife. Did a total of 4 elk with two of these knives, went thru 8 blades, saves time since you do not have to stop and sharpen, just replace the blade 30 or fewer seconds and keep going. Will make sure to buy more blades for the future.
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ihave both skinning and fillet pirantas
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
i use them for skinning game and filleting fish,and they save me lots of sharpening time. i can skin one elk with one blade and do an eccellant job and fillet lots of fish.
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Excellence with a handle
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
It takes a while to get used to how sharp the blades are on these knives, but they make detailed work like skinning around the feet of a Bobcat easier than any knife Ive ever owned.Im ordering another for a gift for a friend this Christmas.
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Best in feild dressing knife Ive ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I am a surgeon and love knives.  I have several in my field dressing kit and since Ive owned a Piranta Edge Ive not used anything else.  Last year I dressed a bull with 4 blades.  It took another 2 blades to cape him out.  The effectiveness of the always shape blades is unsurpassed.  If I were allowed only one knife in the field...it would be the Edge!  Great product.
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Shin it like a snake sheds
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I spend Hundreds of dollars on kinfe, never again I just buy blades. Every one in hunting camp used my knife that got a deer :) and love it
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Always Sharp Easy Replacment
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Best knife Ive had in yrs easy safe quick blade replacment Lightweight  Pocket clip a little weak
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These knives are great!!!!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
We use it for skinning animals and also in the kitchen!!!
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Best Knife EVER !!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The fastest way to skin an animal - works great on tough elk hide.
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Best Ever, its that simple
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have solely used this knife to process several deer and even an oryx from New Mexico.I plan to buy another one for fishing use.
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The Best
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
My go to skinning blade for skinning and quartering whitetail.Scalpel sharpGreat value for the money
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I started out using this knife a couple of years ago. I have over twenty knives I thought could get the job done. NOT until I picked up this knife was my work complete. I am a guide and have to cape a lot of heads, this knife made it tremendously easy! NO more knives, only two knives in my back pack the Piranta and the Baracuta. I dont know how many clients I had to order these very same knives for, but a bunch and all of my guide friends from Alaska to the lower 48 are now using them. Even my Taxidermist!!!! Great knife and it works!!!!
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I would buy this product again and again
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Have used this knife for elk, deer , pig great for all animals. one the best knifes I ever bought everybody should own this knife.
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these are great knives
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
these knives are great for skinning. i did break a blade but i was trying to pry something loose and it broke. luckly i had my extra blades to change and keep on working.
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Unbelievably Sharp!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife works wonderfully for what it was designed to do. Its not meant to be a hard-use, bushcraft-type knife, which can handle prying, batoning, etc... I have other knives for that. This knife was designed to skin game, and at that, it excels. So far, Ive used the knife on rabbits and squirrels. It works so well, my father wants one of his own! Ive also dressed two deer with it, and other than separating joints, this is the only knife I used. Blades last a long time as long as you use it as intended. My wife decided to use it for carving a pumpkin this fall and couldnt stop talking about how sharp it was. Highly recommended (by all family members)!
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The Piranta is a game changer
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The Piranta is a game changer.  With the replacement blades its always scary sharp. Youll never have to stop mid-skinning/butchering to sharpen again.The replacement blades mean you dont have to carry a sharpening set.  This, coupled with the lightweight nature of the knife means you can literally shave around a pound out of your pack.  Eliminating that amount of weight and space is really considerable when you bivouacking. The piranta zips through hide making gutting, skinning, and butchering a snap.If theres a downside to the Havalon Piranta, I havent found it.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive used the piranta to skin a grizzly, black bear, two caribou and clean quite a few fish.
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Great knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this product for several months now works great on skining pigs and as an everyday knife.  The blades stay sharp and are very easy to change.
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used for many years
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this know exclusively I use this knife for all my field dressing, quartering, deboning, and skinning needs.  I have a box full of other knifes that I no longer use.  I carry one of these knifes + few extra blades.  That is all I need for all my field work with game.  I even use it for birds.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Just finished cutting up an elk in the back country. Used the guttless method and this knife was by far superior than any others Ive used. Changed out 1 blade only. Only drawback is that it doesnt cuut through bone! Still used the hatchet for that!
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My friends are jealous....
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
A sharp knife makes for extra clean field dressing, I do carry a heavier knife to cut through bones.  I bought this for an Alaska trip and now use it on every deer I kill - field dressing and skinning.
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So good I bought two of my friends one.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I will use this knife for years to come I bought 100 extra blades to be sure I will have them when needed.  I recommend it.
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add it to your arsenal
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
it saved my butt on a sheep hunt. read my testimonial
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excellent light weight pack knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
a perfect knife for the successfull hunter,trapper that always needs a sharp tool to do their intricate and get into tight places type jobs.
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Best all around knife...period
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used it for everything from hiking to hunting, to around the house. Hell, Ive even used it in the kitchen. Its small, light, and strong. Im surprised how strong the blades are for as thin as they are are. I bought a package of the newer ""heavier duty"" blades but havent had to use them yet.If you are going to carry one knife this should be it.They could charge twice as much and Id buy it again. Even the replacement blades are fairly priced. Their shipping prices are also very fair, and they ship fast. Good product, good company. What else do you need to know. Just buy it already!
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Excellent Sharp Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is the best deer skinning knife I have ever used!
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WOW! What a knife.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use my Havalon to skin and clean deer. I use it to bone and process the meat as well. Another I use often in my camp kitchen for preparing meat to cook, slicing veggies and such. Wish I had received one years ago. I have not given one to anyone who was not tickled to get it. I hate to sharped knives and never have to with Havalon. Just replace the blade and keep cutting.
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Awesome Knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this knife for the first time last year and what a tremendous tool in my pack. It is very sharp, blades change in a snap and it is light weight to boot. Would not go on a hunt without it!
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Sharpest knife in your pocket
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have field dressed several moose with this Knife and I will never go back to the sharpener.
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Great knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife, Scary sharp! Can easily quarter and skin an entire elk with one blade, but replacements are cheap enough that Ill usually use two.  All my hunting buddies that have seen mine in action have laughed when it first comes out but the funny thing is that when its all said and done they are ordering one by the end of the day.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I am not a very good knife sharpener so I find that this knife is the best knife I have ever owned.  When the blade becomes dull I just replace it with a new blade.  I use my knife for cleaning birds all the way up to cleaning and skinning elk.  I can gut, skin and quarter an elk all with one blade.  By far the best hunting knife I have ever owned.
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Great blade and keeps an amazing edge
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have used this to skin many different animals.  Such as deer, hog, rabbits, etc.  It has kept an amazing edge and would take this knife over any other.  When your blade gets dull, it come with 12 more brand new blades with sharp edges.  This knife truly is the best out there.
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Havalon Piranta
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
When I 1st purchased the knife I have to admit I was skeptical. It did not take long before i was won over by its usefulness. I only carry the Piranta everyday now which is saying something as I own a rather extensive knife collection. Buy the knife and a box of 100 replacement blades and you will be set for a long while. I recently skinned 2 deer on 1 replacement blade my hunting partner was so impressed he bought one the next day.. Buy it dont look back!
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My Piranta-Edge
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I never have to worry about a dull knife anymore!
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What an amazing product!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I could not believe how little time it took me to skin 3 white tails. Amazing.
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Sharpest knife Ive ever used
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive used this knife the past 2 hunting seasons and have dressed and skinned deer, elk and antelope with it. I change the blade at the beginning of each season but it would easily handle multiple animals with one blade.It takes a little getting used to because it is so sharp but after hunting for over 40 years, Ive never had a knife I liked as well as this one.
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Ready when you are
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have owned a Piranta for over a year. Very dependable especially with the heavy duty blades. Can generally skin 3 to 4 white tail deer with one blade.
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Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
First time i used the knife was to skin an elk a few weeks ago.  worked great on that tough hide.I look forward to using it on whitetail this season also.
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Last knife you will need.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have owned this product for 3 years and have bought several for gifts. This is the real deal and I will never own another knife. I have used it on bear, deer, squirrels, ducks, geese, coyotes, and pheasants. Worked great for all of them. Only con I have is that it takes a little practice to get used to the sharpness. Be careful.
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Breast knife for bird hunters
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Just got back from hunting upland game birds.  This knife does a fantastic job of cleaning and cutting the breasts off of game birds.  The knife is the right size, weight and the key is how incredibly sharp it always is.
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I chucked the Buck
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I had a great knife from Buck Knives that was easy to use and extremely sharp.  Over time though, it got tougher and tougher to keep that factory-sharp edge.  I never got to the point where I was ready to toss it but I longed for the early days.  On a whim, I ordered the Piranta.  I decided to get the orange because there were a couple of times I dropped that camoed Buck knife in the dark and wasted time hunting around for that thing.  After using the Piranta on several white-tail deer, the Buck has been relegated to the tougher blade-dulling tasks.  Thats what they mean by having the right tool for the right job!
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Piranta review.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Best skinning knife I have ever used
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The best knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have been hunting scene I was 4, shot my first deer when I was 6. This is the best knife I have every used! I live in Alaska, and when it comes to cutting up big game or small game this is the knife my husband and I carry. I love how light it is. When Goat hunting and sheep hunting when weight is an issue you cant beat it. Take 20 extra blades it still wont weigh as much another skinning knife. I grew up hunting and doing taxidermy on the side. So I want to be extra careful with my capes and meat.  You cant beat a scalpel blade and to have it on a knife handle it just feels right.  I wont go hunting without it. I can skinn a moose in half the time with this knife. And when its 20 below outside you dont want to mess around.
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Great Knive for sheep hunters, light
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knive and blades for backpacking as it is really light, the only thing is taking the blade off, you need a leatherman or some sort of pliars to pull it off or risk cutting yourself if you try to pull it off by hand.
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Gotta Have Knife !!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Best thing out for skin it yourself hunters. GREAT for caping out around heads and small places. So light yet very strong !!!
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A must have for any hunter
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have used this knife for boning out and elk in Montana, quartering deer in Washington, and cleaning ducks and upland birds.  It has been an all-around great piece of gear.
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great product, resonable prices!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Brought the knife for elk hunting.  Once I used it the first time all of the other guys wanted to borrow it for their elk!
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Always sharp
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have given this knife to my son, grandson, grandson-in-law - need I say more.OK, I will. I hate sharpening hunting knives. By using a Havalon, I avoid that issue.
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Saves so much time. Dont have to sharpe
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The piranta is a little short for large animals. I have used it on 3 elk. It was much faster than the old fashioned hunting knives. Just received my new Baracuta. I have not use it yet but looks like it will help on elk and fish. The only con for both of these knives is the replacement of blades. I just carry my Leatherman and the problem is solved. Great products.
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Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Last fall we downed 3 elk.  I had just purchased my Piranta.  My hunting buddy was using a traditional knife.  I had 2 elk gutted and skinned before he has his gutted.  He borrowed my knife and absolutely loved it (he bought one on the way home).  Get one NOW, you cant go wrong.
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"No sharpeners needed"
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is the best knife I have ever owned. Lightweight and extremely sharp. I am so glad I no longer have to worry about sharpening a knife in the middle of a skinning job.
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Everyone should own one!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife is great, I really like the interchangable blades. It cuts super easily, the blade can be a little flimsy if you are not careful. Its not meant for cutting through bone or twisting, but does the job if you know what your doing.
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Best Skinning Knife Ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used it to cape and bone out my Axis Deer I shot in Hawaii on the Island of Lanai!Took no time at all to take care of this deer with the Havalon Knife!
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Best Skinning Knife I have ever owned!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Best Skinning Knife I have ever owned!!!! Quick, easy, and sharpest knife in my arsenal!!!
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Excellent Skinning Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Excellent knife!  Have used to skin several deer and knife has made process much faster. Blades are very easy to replace and you never have to worry about sharpening a knife again.-Would like to see a thicker blade made to avoid breaking the blade when cutting around bone.
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Really. Best knife ever.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife fits in your pocket and hand perfectly. Its so sharp. Cuts like a hot knife through butter. This is the only knife I need anymore.
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Decent little skinning knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I was able to use this knife on both a mule deer and an elk this season.  It seemed to handle the deer much better than the elk.  I had 2 different blade types that I tested.  The standard blade and the shorter #22 blunt tip blades.  I preferred the shorter blades, as they seemed to be tougher and last longer.  Both kept a good edge, unless you started to cut through the actual hide of the animal.  In the future, Ill be trying out the #22 blades with the sharp tip, as I think that would be the best combo for me.  The knife worked great for skinning the hide back from the meat and also for de-boning the meat, after the quarters were removed.  Its not ideal for any joint work or cutting through thick hide (especially on elk).  With bloody hands, the blades can sometimes be hard to change out.  Be sure and have dry hands when trying to swap these out.  Id recommend it to others with that kind of description.
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Sharp and Light Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great sharp knife, and I mean sharp -- light and easy to replace the blades
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Great knife, easy to use, easy to find
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The only knife you will ever need.
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I really appreciate how sharp the blades are
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Got this knife in a hunting kit. I had Wyoming knife fresh out of the package. The plastic handle snapped. This one though did an entire moose. Several blades snapped but it held its own.
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Cant wait to get another knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Use this knife on one deer yesterday stayed sharp doing the whole time been nice to have a longer blade like a fillet knife
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Best skinning knife I have ever used
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I purchased this knife a local sporting goods store after seeing in in an archery magazine. I did not shoot anything so I did not use it for gutting. I did skin two deer for my neighbor with just one blade and I a pretty sure I could do one more before changing the blade. I just bought one for my brother in law for Christmas and I am going to get the Barracuta before next season. I think I will then be able to retire all my other knives. I have never been so pleased with a knife and wish I had a Piranta and Barracuta years ago!
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Good for more than skinning
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I bought this product for my aging father to replace his old scalpel for cutting bull calves on our 100+ head cattle ranch. He and I both enjoy the large, gripped handle,  which makes it easier and safer to use when working around 600 pound animals.  We also appreciate the blaze Orange handle,  as this feature makes it hard to misplace on the working shed workbench. Ease of blade change is also a nice feature for us, as being good cattlemen with concern for the overall well being of our livestock we change the blade every time we work a group of calves. Overall,  we are both very pleased.
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● 6 additional stainless steel 60A™ blades, 2-3/4"
● Super-strong military grade polymer handle
● Overall length 7-1/4"
● Ambidextrous thumb studs
● Open back for easy cleaning
● Liner-lock construction
● Removable holster clip
● Nylon holster included
● Fits all Piranta blades

Product reviews
Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used this knife for the first time this week on two white tail deer. It was used from start to finish on both of them with the same blade. Gutting, skinning, quartering, deboning and cutting up the meat. Blade seems to be getting a little dull upon completion of the second deer. I will keep the same blade for the next deer for comparison. Seem to make the whole process easier and quicker. Take the blade off to clean the tallow from the pivot point and replace after cleaning. easy to do. I gave a 4 star because I need to use it more to give a 5. I will update this later after more usage. For what I have done this is a great knife.
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Havalon Piranta does it all!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
After buying my brother one as a gift and watching him skin out our Moose last year I decided to pick one up for this hunting season.  A few deer have been put into the cutting shed this year and all of them skinned out quickly and easily with the Havalon.  I even used it after a successful BC Salmon trip, sure the blade could have been longer but I cant remember carcasses being as paper thin with my fillet knife as they were with the Piranta.My only real comment is blade durability and cleaning (difficult with any folding knife mechanism), but none of that would deter me from recommending them!
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great knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
incredible knife, I used it for skinning deer, field dressing, and butchering deer in the field.  Also use for skinning coon and coyote.  Incredible sharpness and easy to change blades.  I have skinned 100+ animals with this knife.  I highly recommend it.
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great knife I recommend it highly
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife I used it opening day deer season. Worked great.
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This is the bees Knees, coolest tool/toy I owe
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Im a butcher so this helps when Im working at the store, when I hunt its great for skinning game, when Im not working/hunting, I replaced the knife with one that is dirty. I use the dirty one for anything like a regular knife and I still sharpen it, even though its suppose to be replaced, but for every day use its a great knife. Even thought its resharpened(dirty one) it works great, better than any knife I have. When I need to cut meat or animals I simply switch the blades with (new) clean ones. Highly recommended it, and also recommended getting a lot of spare ones in case you need to replace or multiuse.
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Survival Kit Must Have!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I bought two: the orange model for my survival kit. Great for making fuzz sticks for fire starting, cleaning fish, birds, and small game.I bought the black model for daily carry. A gazillion utility uses, plus as already mentioned numerous uses in processing fish, game, and fowl. I even used it to cut pork, venison, and beef into chunks to fit into my meat grinder for making sausage, or at least I did until my drug addled brother stole my grinder.Great for ultralight backpacking!Caveats: you cant get crazy with this knife or youll break it...not that you should get crazy with any knife! Obviously the blade is too short to fillet anything larger than a small sardine, but thats just the nature of the beast. All in all, this is probably the best knife I own. Its so versatile it could have been called the Volksknife!
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Give it a shot. You wont regret it.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I skinned and quartered two red deer hinds and caped a Fallow buck with one blade and it was still sharp.  I wanted something different after dulling my knife caping an Aoudad with tough hide.  Just be careful when caping as one flick of the wrist will slice through the hide.  A must have tool.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The knife is extremely sharp and durable. I have skinned and de-boned 7 medium to small deer with one blade. (Due for a change according to Havalon). The only negatives are that it take a pair of pliers to change the blade and fat collects between the blade and the mount. Not an issue, just a possible concern. Thanks for a great product! Works as advertised!
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Not washer/dryer sturdy
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great for skinning deer. Replaceable blades easy to change. Bad news - forgot it in my pocket and the knife body fell apart in the washing machine. Not happy.
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Ridiculously sharp
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used mine for the first time on a caribou. Blade was still functionally sharp after one entire animal but I changed it anyway. Knife was so sharp I worried about sloppy technique and injuring myself after dark. Go slow and watch what youre doing!
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Best Knife on the planet
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Im a Taxidermist so I use a lot of blades in my shop I only use Havels blades and have for years, I baught the first knife for a very good friend of mine for Christmas because he wanted a knife that he didnt have to sharpen every night, so I got the piranta edge for him and he fell in love with it. I eventually baught one for my self and I use it when I guide other hunters for skinning and quartering, I can skin 3 to 5 deer with the same blade before having to change it out, now thats what Im talkin about. Cant leave home without it.
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great knife for a trapper
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
great knife.  pocket clips arent sturdy.  first one came off and handle split. returned it for exchange and second one has already lost a screw.
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Last field knife Ill ever own
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used the piranta last fall.Skinned quartered and boned 2 Buck Antelope 2 Bull elk and a buck mule deer and too many doves ducks and geese to count. Used 5 blades...broke 2 learning the limitations  of this knife. Ive used stout dull knives my whole life and was leaning on this knife like I had become accustomed. But with this knife you need to let the razor sharp blade do the work. Like the product so much just received the piranta bolt in the mail as my second havalon knife. My only question is can I use the # 60 a blade in my original piranta? They seem to fit ok. Thanx again 4 a great product!
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love this knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Just received mine. Very impressed with edge and how solid the blade mounts. Can see this knife make my hunting experience way easier.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
When I first came across this blade I just loved the idea of a knife using scalpel blades so, I "HAD" to have one. After actually using for the first time on a 300+lb wild boar, it became my go to. I have owned many much more expensive fancy skinning/caping blades, and needless to say, theyve all been replaced with this one little lightweight knife. The extra blades are an awesome addition and the blades do hold up well. Im able to get about 4 hogs fully dressed, cleaned and skinned before replacing the blade is needed. I could probably get more out of them but, always like to work with as sharp of a knife as possible. As for corrosion like the gentleman from Alaska said, I can see how the harsh saltwater could do that but, it hasnt been an issue for me (I live nowhere near the ocean). Since my first one, Ive also picked up the Tracer 22 for caping smaller game such as coyotes, bobcat, and those tighter areas on trophy hogs, deer, and anything else thats headed for the wall. Overall I couldnt be happier! Great little blade. Price is great for such a nice little knife. I started with the nice stainless handled ones, after loosing one in the field I just stick with the nice bright orange ABS handle instead. Harder for me to lose:)
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Fantastic Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife. Ive dressed and skinned many elk with this knife in the past few years. Just simply replace the blade when dullness becomes an issue and continue your work. Blades will occasionally break when stressed laterally, but it is of little issue when carrying plenty of replacements. Blade replacement takes a matter of seconds and the blade attachment mechanism is solid and does not wobble or disengage from the handle. Would recommend for anyone.
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ok for the money buy replacement blades
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used the knife on three white tail deer it was sharp at first but found that it dulled easy after hitting bone or brisket. found that one blade would do one deer also the handle design held tallow and was hard to clean up. i would recommend the knife for the novice hunter but wont get rid of my marble knife.  with the replacement blades you always have a sharp knife in the field
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Great knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Small size is handy and fits my hand well while cleaning fish, birds, and deer.
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Awesome Skinner
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Saw a friend use one last season on two deer. He did the entire job with one blade. I knew I had to get one.  Hope to put it to good use very soon.
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This knife is NOT for coastal regions
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I carried the EDGE everyday working for 6 weeks in Southeast Alaska. The blades are sharp and clean right out of the pack, but after leaving them in my front pocket for a few days of work they corrode heavily. They lose their edge, even with NO use. I am extremely disappointed with these knives. I have used your scalpels and blades for skinning and detailing bears and all my furbearers. I guess that these new knives and blades are made cheaper than the scalpels. Bottom line, I will NOT buy another piranta.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use mine on pigs, deer, wild dogs, foxes and small game. It has never failed and is always super sharp. What more could a hunter ask for? Highly recommend them to all Australian bushmen.
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A suggestion to make it more complete
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I just received my knife and I like what I see although I have not yet used it. My focus was on finding something light in weight, versatile and sharp. I think I found it. I realize that from a marketing perspective it may make sense to sell the case seperate from the knife but it would be great to see the knife with a case especially since the blades are throw aways and they need to be with the knife. Just a thought that you may want to consider. I look forward to using the knife.
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Perfect present for my husband
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I ordered this knife for my husband and he LOVES it. This is something he carries everyday. Many of his friends have ordered these knifes as well after seeing his!
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Drew blood right out of the box
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is not the knief to trim/clean your finger nails with.  We became blood brothers right out of the box.  When skinning or gutting game, be extremely careful, it will slice past where you want to stop.
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Awesome knife(Crazy Sharp) blades
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I just purchased this knife last week and it suites all my needs. I carry it with me all the time now. I have already skinned 2 deer and it continues to cut diffrent things when i need it. All on one blade. I am just curious how long i can go on one blade. I have owned all types of knives but never one quite like this one!!!
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too much whiz and not eough bang
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
blades are expensive for the amount of use I get out of them.
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Excellent Skinning knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used my knife to cape a bison and it made short work of a very large job.
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Great knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife for field dressing game. Light with no need to carry a sharpener.
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Great all around knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I am a big game guide in Canada so I do alot of hunting and skinning in a year, probably more than the average person and this knife is great for caping and fleshing. Also great for skinning the hide off the skull of an animal. Was really great for turning lips, ears, eyes and nose and the fleshing of the face. These knives are difficult to find in Canada and replacement blades can also be difficult to find to buy in Canada.
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Knife is spectacular!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I am a big game guide in Canada so I do alot of hunting and skinning in a year, probably more than the average person and this knife is great for caping and fleshing.  Also great for skinning the hide off the skull of an animal.  Was really great for turning lips, ears, eyes and nose and the fleshing of the face. These knives are difficult to find in Canada and replacement blades can also be difficult to find to buy in Canada.
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Great Blade
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used this on my mule deer I shot this year and was very impressed. I was able to get through cleaning and skinning the entire deer with just 1 blade. By the end it was dull, but I would expect that out of any knife. Nice thing about this, I just swapped the blade and didnt have to spend half an hour sharpening. One thing I do not like however, is the handle. For my purposes I chose this knife for visibility if I set it down. But I think the clip isnt necessary and Im debating removing it. If I used it everyday it would be valuable, but this knife is my cleaning/skinning/caping knife. I would get rid of the clip and add more rubber inserts to the other side of the handle. This might make it slightly heavier, but when my hands are bloody inside an elk or deer, I dont want to risk losing my grip with a knife this sharp.The sheath it comes with serves the purpose, but its quality isnt on par with that of the knife. And with the extra blades, its hard to find one that will fit the same purpose. I just wouldnt trust this sheath on my hip when Im battling scrub oak on the hill. Bottom line is I will always keep this knife in my pack. Whenever Im on the mountain, this knife will be in the pack that Im wearing. Its a great knife and cant wait to see how its get better.
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perfect for hunting
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
when i pack far into the mountains and harvest it is nice to have a tool to cape out the animal so you only have to carry back necessary parts.
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A sharp little skinner
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The little orange knife is awesome. Its sharp and holds an edge very well. When it does get dull , you are just seconds away from a new knife. Just change the blade and you are back to work.A few months ago , a friend and I were hog hunting in statesboro, Ga. We had taken 16 hogs . Well , the hunt was over and the work was about to start. As we started to skin these animals , the little orange knife just kept on cutting and cutting. Four and a half hours later we were done. Yes we changed the blades , but it was fast , we didnt have to stop and sharpen any knives. We just kept right on skinning. You will not go wrong with one of these knives. Scott
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Stone Sheep hunt in B.C.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Recently went Stones Sheep hunting in the mountains of British Columbia and brought along my Havalon Piranta. Weighing in at 2 oz it was a great packing knife. We harvested a 9 and a half year old stones sheep and used this knife to skin, cape and flesh the hide. The sharp blades made a big job go smooth and fast. This knife is now a part of my yearly sheep hunting pack.
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way to tight
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
have 2 of these one is fine the 2nd one however is way to tight - usually break the blade when changing them
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The best, but two small downers
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I love it. I end up using a Leatherman to change blades, and keep a rubber band around it to keep it from opening in my pack or my pocket. I recommend this to anyone, newb or experienced hunter, for skinning, field dressing, even joint splitting. You do still need a fixed blade or stout folder for regular survival stuff, but this will take care of all meat care by itself!
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havalon piranta
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I love mine for skinning and field dressing. Replaceable blades mean never a dull knife! The orange handle lets me set it down with no fear of losing it!
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Wish I would have bought other blades with a more rounded curve also!
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Fantastic Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this knife for deer hunting.  It is lightweight and super sharp.  It comes with 12 replacement blades but one stays sharp forever. This knife is top notch, it dosent get any better than this one! There is a larger version of this knife however I personally think that the smaller of the two is really easier and better suited for the task. Highly recommended.
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Do-it-all Scapel
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I purchased the Piranta-EDGE a few months ago, and never leave home without it.  From skinning out coyotes to stripping insulation off electrical wires, it serves as my "all-purpose" pocket knife.  Great size for small game processing.  No need for sharpening - insert a new blade and the knife is back to new with effortless cutting.  Excellent product!
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best knife in the world
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
when i finaly shot a deer i got the oppertunity to use my havalon knife. it made skinning and cutting the meat off the bone so easly. a friend of mine got a deer also and i helped him skin out his deer. i asked him to hold my knife a second then he was like wow this knife is so light and i said use it. i watched him he goes wow its so sharp. i told him thats the same blade from the first deer i shot. he said to me no this cant be the same blade i said yes it is. he said let me see how it does on the back straps i told him it does a good job because the blade are thin. he tried it and got done with one side and said wow i really like this knife. i told him if u think about getting one go to your web site and buy one. told him u get 12 extra blades and one already in the knife. i can say one one thing this knife was the best knife i have ever bought. its vary simple to change a blade and holds a vary good sharp edge. i give this knife a 5 star and plus if i could go higher in a rating.
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best knife ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this knife to process a very large bull elk killed in the marble mountain special elk hunt in California
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Sharpest Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
It was amazing in field dressing and skinning a whitetail. Sharpest knife i have ever used and it came with 12 extra blades, so after i was done processing my deer i threw away the dirty/messy blade cleaned the handle and stored it away until next time.Perfect Christmas/Birthday gift!!
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Best knife ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
It is not made to be used as a tough knife as the blades will brake if you put any angled pressure on them. They are made to cut and skin and nothing works better. I used mine in Alaska to skin cut up and cape a grizzley. The outfitter forgot his saw and the entire job was completed in no time with this knife only.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Processed one large deer over the weekend from start to finish, still on the same blade. Used the filet blade for removing silverskin. EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE !!!!!!  Highly recommended !
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I love this knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used 3 blades to skin out and butcher 2 elk and 4 whitetail.It is fantastic to ALWAYS have a sharp blade!Orange handle makes it easy to find around a kill site and in the backpack.
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best hunting knife ever!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife is small enough to handle in tight areas, will never get dull, and is easy to see with its bright color.  I also really like how the folding handle is open to the air to prevent gore from getting caught up in there.  Overall a great knife.
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SUPER SHARP, it quartered a bull elk!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I quartered a bull elk with this knife!!  Broke 3-4 blades in the process, but it was super super sharp and got the job done! Would highly recommend this!!
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Super Knife a must have in any pack
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Only con is I try to do to much with it and break the blades.Just back from Wyoming quartered and caped 2 elk ,my guide took both my knives.
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Love it.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
What can I say?  It does exactly what its supposed to do AND does it pretty well.I mainly skin wild pigs but deer also when theyre in season.The best part is, NO SHARPENING.  You could never sharpen a knife to be as sharp as these are anyway.  The blades are also cheap, which is a plus.
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Greatest knife ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This has been the best knife I have ever owned.  It does it all and then some.  I have let friends use my Pirante and have had to fight them to get it back.  The only thing I have to be careful of is not to cut myself.
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WoW. Outstanding piece of cutlery!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is a fantastic knife.  Came highly recommended.  Yes it is indeed sharp!  Quick change blades, are easy to replace.  So far I have only used to process Quail this season.   Getting ready for a pig hunt, looking forward to the opportunity dress a pig with it.This knife is a must have in my gear bag.Only con I have had is the belt clip.  It has stretched a bit and no longer holds the knife securely in place when clipped to a belt or pocket edge.Otherwise I am extremely happy with this knives performance!
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Must have tool
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Watched a guide in Colorado skin, cape, and quarter an elk using a Piranta in record time and it sold me.  I cant go out in the field without one now.  Its absolutely the best tool there is for field game care.
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great knives
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have been using Havel / Havelon knives for many years.
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Holds up well
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Skinned 5 hogs and one elk without changing blades!
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great knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great for fleshing hard to reach areas like the toes and edge of hide. Great for any cutting that does not require prying. The blades are somewhat fragile.
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I never hunt without it!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I guide big game hunts, deer, elk, moose, and use my Piranta for everything from skinning, capeing, and quartering. Its so light you dont even know your packing it.I like just a few seconds to change the blade and your ready to go with a super sharp knife. I also pack a Baracuda with me, it works great for removing the backstraps from moose and elk. I occationally break a few blades when I get in a hurry.
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I would buy this knife again in a hart b
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this knife for an every day knife for what every l mite be doing. I do do quite abit of carving with it,and I like how its always sharp
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Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Really like not having to worry about having a super sharp knife.  Great for all kinds of tasks...expect to use it on game this fall.  Be careful changing blades...need to have a pair of pliers handy
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Havalon Piranta
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I can now use 1 knife to process big game. In the past I would have 8 knives sharpened and use all of them to process 1 big game animal.
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Great knift
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
THis is yust a great knift for your deer hunting needs.
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gotta have one
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive used it to field dress and skin whitetails and perfroms great, steel in blades are good for holding edge so you dont replace blades that frequently. and if you use the blade in a questionable area (infection/bacteria) you just throw the blade away and put in a new one.
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Great Skinning Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this knife to skin coyote and raccoon. It works great and is sharp all the time with being able to change blades out.
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THE Single Best Piece of equipment EVER!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
this knife is the best money ive ever spent on hunting equiptment. I use it for everything. very useful for caping and skinning. the #22 blades are perfect for skinning heads for mounts. and for small furbearers. If you do any amount of hunting seriously you deserve this tool.
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Fantastic product!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Compact, lightweight, easy to find in low light and ALWAYS sharp! One of the best birthday presents a dad could hope for....
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Piranta: You definitely have an EDGE
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
In the circle of sustenance ethical hunters understand the proper respect due a harvested animal. This set of ethics demands a prompt and professional field dressing to assure there is no wanton waste of game. The Piranta makes this task easier and more proficient. This is definitely a product that gives you an edge.When field dressing or skinning your animal, the Pirantas surgically-sharp blade helps to aid with speed and finesse. With its ergonomically molded handle and easy-grip black rubber inlay, the design allows for proper fit and comfort. A bright blaze orange handle makes it easy to find should you lay it down in the woods or weeds. The convenient pocket clip gives an added option should you decide not to carry it in its sheath. Weighing in at just over 2 ounces this knife is perfect for the weight conscience hunter.Having used a variety of hunting knives across the years the only thing I regret is that I did not own a Piranta-EDGE sooner.
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Outstanding knife, VERY SHARP and LIGHT!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I was introduced to the Havalon Piranta Edge through "The Meat Eater" TV show. I gave it a go. Wow! This is a great knife and is very sharp! Ive skinned, dressed, and processed 2 deer before my first blade became as sharp as my regular hunting knife. At that time, I decided to change blades(to see how to) and process my third deer. Simple. I have introduced this knife to many of my hunting friends. They simply responded with a collective, "Wow, Ive got to get one of these knives"!!! Go get you one too.
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A must
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I purchased this knife this fall and Used it to skin two elk. It was incredibly sharp and held its edge well. I only had to change the blade twice. It was also very light and easy to control the blade which is very important when using such a sharp knife. I would reccomend this product to any outdoorsman or woman.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Too long to list! This knife is good for anything!
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Excellent knife for skinnnig and caping
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I was envious of a guide that was using this knife in 2011 and purchased one of my own for the 2012 season. Ive skinned 7 deer so far this season and I am extremely satisfied. I no longer have to hunt for a sharp knife as I always keep extra blades handy.
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Excellent skinning knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this knife for skinning mule deer and elk. I typically skin out 2-3 animals before changing out a blade. Blade replacements are cheap, and its very nice to start with a new edge without having to do any sharpening. Replace the blade, back in business. These blades are sharp enough to perform detailed work, such as caping out a head for those trophys that are going to the taxidermists, or even for cleaning skulls for a European mount. Warning...you cut yourself with this blade, its going bone deep! Super sharp! My first blade change made the hair stand up on my arm just thinking about it. Great tool to have in your pack!
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Best Skinning Knife Ive ever had.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
First time I used a Havalon, it belonged to a friend. I cleaned 6 Wild Hogs, and the Blade was still razor Sharp. I got online the next day and bought my own. I never go to the lease without it.
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Awsome product
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive used this knife on big game and fish. I back pack hunt a lot. Weight is at a premium. I used to carry two knives and a sharpener. I now just carry my Piranta and 4 blades. I can skin/gut, quarter and bone my game with just one knife and 2 blades. I carry extra just in case I break a blade or lose one. (Hasnt happened yet)
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perfect color to see if dropped in weeds
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
ordered this knife for a Caribou hunt in Alaska worked great and was easy to find when laying in the Tundra............
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Never run out of a good edge again..
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This havalon knife makes meat handling a breeze. Very light, compact, and eay to use. Works perfect for skinning and processing meats. Works well in my pack. Carrying extra blades with me ensures I never lose an edge eve again. Ihave always been skeptical about new knives like this...but Im glad I tried it.  Very good purchase.
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The Best Knife I have ever owned.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
You can cut up an entire Moose or simply skin a Fox with this knife it does it all.
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Always Sharp
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
If you are like me and can not get a sharp edge on your knifes this is the knife for you
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Great Knife!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this knife for everything. Whether its elk, deer, small game or fish. Great product!!
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This thing is the best skinnin knife since man first chipped a sharp piece off a rock! CrAzY Sharp!!!  Cut through hide and meat on a mulie so fast and clean i had to count my fingers when i was done and reassure my self i still had all of them! Where was this thing when I started hunting 20yrs ago!
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great knife,great price
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used knives for first time easy to use liked the easy blade changes
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Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
One of the lightest, sharpest knifes Ive ever had
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I purchased the Havalon, and one for our Son. We went Whitetail Hunting in Northern Idaho, and had great success. With one blade, we cleaned and skinned three deer. And Caped my wifes buck very easily. (She always shoots the biggest) Anyway, when we got home, I immediately had one shipped to our host in Kamiah,Id. He loves it too!Great product!! Testing the knife on Elk this week.
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great knife, always sharp, many uses
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use my knife for about evert thing from skining to opening letters, very light weight for carrying in your pocket
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have used this knife around the house and it is fantastic. I have no doupt that it will do a great job for what ever you may ask it to do. I love this knife.
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This is the only knife you will need.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This sept. while elk hunting my nephew shot a black bear, we dressed it, skinned it out completely for a rug then just to see what the blade had left we were able to skin out and bone 3/4s of my buddies elk before we changed the blade. I dont get impressed easily but this is a solid product and would recommend this to the harshest critics to give it a try.
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I love this knife!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I hate sharpening knives, but hate using a dull blade even more, so this knife is perfect for me. you do have to be careful not to twist the blade or it will snap, but that is my only complaint. The blades lock in and stay better than I thought they would. I love this knife.
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The pinacle of hunting knives
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is the best knife on the market for a hunter. This knife and the Havalaon Baracuda are, hands down, the sharpest knives you will ever use. In fax they are so sharp that I advise caution when using them.My first time using them on an elk, we used to go through 4 knives constantly sharpening them to gut, skin, quarter and process the elk and it was a battle even with those knives. I used one piranta and one baracuta blade to do all of these same tasks and when the blades were dull for the second elk I just swapped them out.
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Excellent quality
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Shipping was very fast, Very pleased with the knife, Cant wait to field dress and skin my deer this season. Have to be very careful due to the sharpness.
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Scary Sharp
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I own a skull works business and use Havalon exclusively. These are the sharpest knife I have found. There is a slight learning curve with the blades as they will break under some stressful situations, best advice just relax and let the blade do the work.
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Best knife ever!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
You cant go wrong with this knife.  Its always sharp, and when its not, it takes 30 seconds to attach a new blade.  Bright orange color prevents loss in the woods.  I love this knife!!
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Best Skinner - EVER
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great Company
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Simply gets the job done.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Working as a guide in Montana and hunting on my own in Colorado, this knife has helped keep my pack light and get the job done faster. Unless I am caping, one blade will take care of an entire elk. And when it comes time to cape, just snap a new blade in and youre good to go.I particularly like that I dont have to carry around my 3 knife set and sharpener anymore. When it come to the blades they are flexible enough to follow the bones and keep as much meat as possible. The dull tip on the one blade is great when being careful with the hide, but the sharp point on the other easily gets into tight places like around the tear ducts and close to the pedicle. The only con I can think of is that it doesnt come with a container to put used blades in, but as for the performance and versatility, its the only knife I use.
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the knife that never gets dull!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used my Havalon Piranta-Edge BLAZE to help skin five buck this year in deer camp the best knife for the job. New deer, New blade get out of the way! Used it to breast out a few ducks as well, is it possible for a knife to be too sharp?
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Bought this knife being skeptical about the durability of the blade retention system. Turned out that it worked as advertised, and impressed me with its ability to get into tight spots and cut with little force. Works great from birds to big game, and its not just a skinning knife, as I used it to cut up meat as well.
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Great Skinning Knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The Havalon Piranta-EDGE Skinning Knife is an all around incredibly sharp knife that has a multitude of uses. Compact, Lightweight and Incredibly Sharp! Great for skinning game, or used in my archery or gun shops!Thanks Havalon!!!
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Best Knife ever!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is a wonderful multi-purpose.  Replaceable blades make it much more user friendly
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like cutting with a laser!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
this knife is almost revolutionary in the way it tackles big game.  Gone are the days of sawing away.  now, its a finesse job, and its amazing how skin and muscle separate like the red sea.
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Great product
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have many knives. When I got my piranha I started getting more for gifts. My nephew uses his daily.
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great for skinning deer and other game
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
always a sharp blade is a plus for skinning deer and small game. i carry one in my truck,boat and hunting backpack. also give these as great christmas gifts to customers and friends
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
love it!!
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Great knife!!! I love it.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I love this knife, I hardly use any of my other knives anymore. I hand forge knives, and I have to say, Its putting me out of business. I run a trapping line and it cuts skinning time in half. plus, without sharpening, theres more time for cutting.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Love this knife I have used it from skinning a buck to carving pumpkins for Halloween blades stay sharp for a long time
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Makes my harvest easy to process!!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this product when processing my game I harvested in skinning & meats preparation for packaging.This product makes it so easy and reduces the time in half in skinning the animals and meat preparation. Its so compact and does and amazing job. Its the best product Ive use in my forty years of huunting. I have also purchased this product for several of my family & friends as gifts. I really dont have any negative things to say about this product, just be very careful when using this product! This product is very sharp and could be a bad accident if you happen to cut yourself.
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Great safety knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
i use this knife mostly as a safety knife at work. its an amazing knife for hen you really need it. I also use it for hunting and fishing. It has sort of a filet knife flexibility.
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Awesome knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great at skinning  any animal!
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The best knife youll ever own
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have used this knife to skin and bone out Mt.Goat,Elk,Mule Deer,Whitetail Deer,Turkey,Ducks,Geese,Fish. Just about everything. Just be careful cause it can take a finger tip off if ya let it.
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Excellent Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Excellent knife.  Although I keep all my knives razor sharp, they still dont hold a candle to the Piranta.
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6 Caribou in 8 days
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
6 of us went on a self guided, fly-in Alaska Caribou hunt this year. Even though the hunting was slow we all managed to bag nice caribou. Two of us had Havalon knives and they worked amazingly well. Each bull had to be field butchered and packed back to our lakeside camp for pickup by our float plane. THe Havalons made quick work of quartering and de-boning the animals.We also used the Havalons to cape the caribou in the field for our taxidermists.This is where the knives really shined. The sharpness, the easy to change blades and the ability to use both large and small blades really helped with the caping chores and assured that we did not damage the hides.Since this was a flyin hunt we were pretty limited on weight. The Havalons are light and you can bring plenty of extra blades and still carry less weight than a standard hunting knife and sharpening stone. Overall a great product.
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Best knife Ive ever owned
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used to carry several knives in my pack, especially for larger game.  Now I carry the havalon piranta.  I have used it on elk, bear, mt. lion, and mule deer.  It performed flawlessly even when caping the tough hide on a bull elks neck.  I hate sharpening knives, and who wants to do that in the field?  That is why the havalon piranta is my favorite post-kill tool I own.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
After using it once I bought 2 more to give as Christmas gifts!  Great knife!
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Works great on Squirrels
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I skinned 6 squirrels this weekend and it did the job remarkably well. The blade is still as sharp as when I started.  Cant wait to try it on big game.  Also, I dropped it in a pile of leaves, and found it almost immediately.
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Most useful tool in my pack. Buy it!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Best skinning knife I have owned.One blade lasts a lot longer than I ever imagined.I use it to gut, skin, process, you name it and it can do it.
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Perfect for outdoors
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have used this knife on deer, hogs and fish. Having it makes cleaning Trout easy. Change blade after each deer (blades are cheep). Hogs take 2-3 blades (skinning hogs is tough work). I cary it in my pocket always. Great for general use as well.
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I use my Piranta every day
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Hunting, game processing, fishing, camping and opening hard to open clear plastic product packages. I even cut a seat belt to free an injured driver in a traffic accident so EMS could treat her.
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Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I bought this knife for skinning coyotes and raccoon and it works great.
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Awesome !
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Mainly use this knife while skinning game...it works awesome for that and i am amazed at how sharp it is and will hold an edge.However i find myself picking up a larger knife at times for the more heavy duty stuff because the blades are not very thick.
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I liked the product I bought two for me
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use it to skin and debone all my animals.Very sharp.Easy to change out blades.Liked it so much I bought two for two friends.I own two myself.
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Great knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife for skinning game. Love the disposable blades. They are sharper to begin with than most any knife blade and once they get dull just replace it with a new one.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is a very versatile and easy to use knife.  The interchangeable blades mean you always have a extremely sharp  knife available where ever you are hunting or fishing. This knife is light weight,and easy for even the a new hunter to use.  You cant go wrong with this purchase.
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The Only Knife You Need!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is the best knife I have ever had!! I use it for skinning my animals & d boning. I love how long the blades stay sharp & how easy it is to change the blades. It is the only knife I take with me. I would DEFINITELY recommend this knife to anyone!! :)
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Keep your eyes on it around friends
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
5 stars of course, scary sharp and a joy to use. The first time I used mine was to skin out a beaver and it did a great job on that fatty hide. This year I had the chance to use it on my first elk and first bow kill. They are awesome.!!!!!
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Best knife for the pack!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I quartered, deboned and caped my bull elk last week using only this one knife! I did break 3 blades but carrying extra blades is easy since they are so light. You should always have pliers to change the blades otherwise you could cut yourself easily. The blades are a little week wear they connect to the handle but as long as you stay away from any bone you will be just fine! I highly recommend this knife to every hunter out there! I say its a must have for any pack!
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Best knife on the market
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
One of the best knives on the market today real sharp i love the 60XT blades the 22XT work on it you just need to use pliers to put them on these knives can cut through anything.
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Big Game hunters best friend
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
My husband was watching his hunting shows on tv one evening when a commercial aired for a new Havalon knife.  My husband said hed sure like to have it.   I took a mental note and 2 weeks later bought my husband this knife for Fathers Day. He lit up like a kid at Christmas.  He loves his knife and doesnt hunt or guide hunts without it in his field dressing bag. He was highly impressed with the quality and durability of this knife and all the replacement blades were an added bonus.  Now I know what to get him for Christmas, birthdays, and anniversaries. Gotta be a Havalon.
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My new favorite field knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive had this knife for about six months now and absolutely love it! Super sharp and its great for skinning wild pigs. The fact that you can replace the blades eliminates the need to use a sharpening stone.
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Scalpel sharp and always in my pack!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used my Havalon Piranta when breaking down my elk this year. Have used one before and loved it, but using it on a huge animal like an elk was awesome. Super sharp and cut through like the meat was butter. My buddy ended up turning the wrong way and cut into his finger. Deep cut, but the knife was so sharp it healed very quickly. I would recommend this knife to anyone, especially the backcountry guys concerned with weight.
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Great knife for skinning ang bonning
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used this knife and my Baracuta skinner to skin and bone 5 deer and one elk so far this year! I was a sceptic till I watched a guid use one last year And I knew I had to have one so I got both sizes for all my game from cleaning grouse up to the bull elk I skinned and bonned 2 days ago. I dont have to carry a sharpener in the field any more! Slip the old blade off and the new one on and keep working! LOVE IT!!!Kelly EzellGold Bar, Wa
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Best skinning and filet knife ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this knife to fillet over 80 stripers on my last trip to lake Powell. Was still sharp. We used it to skin and de bone a mule deer with one blade.
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best knife ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have three backpacks and carry a havalon knife in each.  Woudntt leave home without them.  This is the best all-purpose knife made.
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Best skinning knife I have used
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Easily the best skinning knife I have used. It made quick work of my moose last year and it impressed me so much that not only do I tell people about it, I bought one for my brother. I really cant think of any negative comments about very well built knife.
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Best knife I have ever used
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
These are the best knives I have ever used and would not use anything else in the field or in my shop as I am a taxidermist, I have been using these knives for the last five years. Take a small fine steel with you as the stainless steel blades can be sharpened when the blade roles over when you hit bone. I cape four to five deer on the same blade. Great customer service. I would like to see Havalon come up with a small container to put used blades in while in the field.
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like this knife would recomend
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
skinning deer
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife is amazing for cleaning and skinning. Super sharp and  never dull. Just let the blade do the work and it wont break.
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Such a great knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is such a great knife. It has been used for cleaning deer and turkey and I have not had one problem with this knife and all. The blade is super sharp and does quick work of deer and turkey.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I love the PIRANTA EDGE for field dressing, it cuts effortlessly through whitetail hide. So easy its like opening a zipper, i cut my skinning and field dressing time in half, easily. I also love it for de boning and getting that fine film off of venison, allows you to cut precisely so you waste as little meat as possible. Overall this is a great product and i plan to keep one on me while on all of my hunting trips. The blades are easy to change and ultra cheap, so no more dull knife for me!!!!!
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Outstanding performance and quality!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The Piranta and its bigger brother the Baracuta have replaced every knife and sharpner I have collected over the years for handling game. Still use a bone saw at times but thats it.
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Best Knife Bar None
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Couldnt ask for a better knife.  I have tried several different setups, from small skinning knifes where I was constantly sharping my knife till I could nt hardly keep an edge on it by the time I was done with my elk.  To big knife setups with bone saws.  No need for any of it.  One knife and a pack of blades and your off.  Wether its saving weight for a backpack hunt or hunting just out of the truck, your not going to be disappointed. My buddy and I both have one. We completely skinned and boned out two bull elk with these knifes.  It took six blades to stay sharp and move quickly per bull.  Hide is the biggest killer as you know. Skinning the head will use one blade.  Depending on how you tackle your skinning you could skin and bone with one blade if your methodical per side.  Bottom line, Get One.
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A must have for every outdoorsman
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I purchased this product this fall and used it to skin two elk. The knnife is very light weight and has excellent grip even with wet hands.  I also used it for carving pumpkins and it worked great.  Super sharpblades make carving and skinning game a breeze. I would reccomed this product as a great addition to any outdoorsman or womans pack.
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A time saver
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Last season I was able field dress 5 deer before I needed to change the blade. I usually needed to sharpen my other knife after every other deer and it was a more expensive knife.
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Small But Right Size
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great size for even big jobs
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Would recommend to ANY hunter
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this mostly on whitetails, turkey and waterfowl. The knife is the best one Ive ever owned. I can use on blade for multiply deer and while it is easy to snap a blade in two, I can pop on a new blade and be back to work in no time. I love this knife and Ive given them to family members as gifts over the years and now it seems like everyone in our deer camp uses the Piranta!
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simple, sharp, a all out great knife!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I love this knife. Ive had mine for a few years now and I have nothing bad to say about it. I like the orange handle because when out in the field I can safely set the knife down and find it very easily. I like how the easy the blades are to replace!!! I can skin a deer, Cape out the head, and cut up some of the meat all with one blade, and end with a sharp blade still!!!
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I can feild dress a deer as well as process the whole thing with one blade. While not like new afterwards I wouldnt call it dull and could easily continue using the same blade. My brother got one free with a backpack purchase. Shortly after that he ordered 3 more. A spare, one for my bro-n-law and one for myself. My brothers somehow developed a small crack near a screw at the end. It was still operational that season. In february we were at the eastern outdoor sport show in harrisburg PA. We showed this to lady behind the counter. She shrugged and said it looks like you need a new one. she turned and put a new knife on the counter with a pack of a dozen blades, stating we are here to stand behind our product. Then I took them up on current sale price of 100 pack of blades for $25 if memory serves. Cant beat that. The only setback was she was out of 100 packs so actually got several "dozen" packs instead totaling 108 blades for the price.. Great product at affordable price
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Great Knife, Use it for everything
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Its so good for everyting it has replaced my pocket knife
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Fantastic Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
My wife bought this for my birthday in May, so I havent gotten to use it yet on a deer this fall, but I cant wait to test it out. I have used it to skin squirrels and it works great. Plus my kids think its great because Steven Rinella uses it (which is where we first saw the knives) and anything he does is good enough for them! We actually used it to clean squirrels my 8 year old son and I shot recently. Looking forward to much more use. The only reason I gave four stars is because I havent yet used it on big game.
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great knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this knife for gutting ,skinning and for cutting up meat. when the blade gets dull it just takes about 30 seconds to replace the blade.
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Sweet !
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I think this could be used for taxidermy work too.The rubber type grips are set for right handers, glad the clip can be removed so it`s out of the way for lefties, but all in all, it`s a sweet sweet knife.
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piranta is awesome
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife.
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super knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
use it for all my hunting needs, gutting, skinning, caping. easy to change blades, will use almost any havalon blade, extremely light. be sure to get a case so you can carry extra blades with you.
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Executive Chef says--Simply the best!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I skinned a doe in about 5 minutes 2 weeks ago, same blade from start to finish of course and still have the blade on the knife. Super easy to use and one heck of a sharp blade....coming from an Executive Chef that is saying something, I love SHARP!!! The switching of blades is simple, but not easy or cheap. It holds in place extremely well.Carry case is perfect holding extra blades and made very well.Color, mine is bright Orange, is great in the field!
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive used this knife (have 6) to skin many things, caribou, hogs...its an awesome fast sharp knife. Easy to change blades. Dont get rough with it it will snap the blade, skin dont pry.
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the finest blade
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The blades cut through skin with ease and are still sharp enough to fillet the meat. From a-z this knife will perform like no other.
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Works very good!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this to skin my last black bear. Worked great when doing the head.
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Nohing beats always having a sharp knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use it for field dressing, skinning and everything you can think of. It even slices cheese :)
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Great for hogs!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I just used 1 blade to skin 3 80-100 lb.. Wild boars.... This is why we use your products.... Who wants to spend time sharpening blades not to mention the fact that in 10 seconds I can have a new blade on there if I need it!
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three guys three knives one moose
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I shot a nice bull moose in southern Yukon, two of my friends took out there knives to give me a hand, I took out my havalon and gave it to them to try. they both tried it, I watched and they were so pleased with the Havalon skinner, they kept skinning. The job was done, I didnt touch the moose. Both guys have now ordered Havalon knives.
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An Instant Classic
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
On a high hunt this year, my buddy and I each brought only one knife; the Piranta.  Every task from slicing cheese to field dressing and boning out a mule deer was accomplished with four replaceable blades.  One knife and a few blades has replaced my old standard of carrying two knives and a diamond stone, and this shaves off a lot of extra weight.  Buy one!
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a taxidermist thought he knew knives.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Caping heads properly is an art..This knife makes it much faster and a lot cleaner.Youre hands do not tire once you figure out to let the blade do the work and not your force..I carry one in my pack one in the house and one in the glove box..The rest of my hunting knives stay sharp too. because i do not use them much.Great product.
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I will always have a Havalon
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
When you need a sharp lightweight blade for skinning or carving up meat this knife is excellent. A fraction of a dollar replacement blades is way better than time spent sharpening. It is not a heavy knife for pushing through cartilage or small bones.  The blaze orange helps keep me from walking away with my knife left behind on the ground.
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Would and will buy this again
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife is easy to use and I have used mine to cape out elk, Deer, Swan, Sandhill Crane and misc birds with no problems.  My knife handle I found on a gravel road.  It had been driven over two weeks before i stopped and picked it up.  The plastic has a few places where it was bent but it still works smoothly
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havalon piranta
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
over all a great knife i will be looking into getting a smaller one in the future. my main issues were with the texture on the grip. the over all angle and feal was great but when my hands were bloody the knife was hard to keep a handle on. also 3 times the blade came off in between the skin and ribs... it was fun going in after a razer blade that is lost. over all a great product and will for sure buy again.
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Where was this 25 years ago!!!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
skinning deer a 10 fish cleaning a 10 I cant bleave how long it stayes sharp and when it needs sharpen 30 sec. later your at it again.Can you skin a whole deer oh yes
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excellent quality, easy handling
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
this a great knife for all animal  cleaning needs and fine taxidermry work .
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I will never be without it again
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I used my Piranta for the first time on a Mule Deer and loved it.  It was by far, the sharpest blade I have ever used and I only changed blades once.  It was great not having to stop, clean and sharpen the blade, and then start again.  I used to carry 2 to 3 knives and a sharpening steel; never again.  Thanks for making a great product.
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Best Knife I have ever used.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have only used mine to clean one bear. Since I am having the hide made into a rug I wanted everything to be perfect. My Piranta did a great job.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife is great.  I will buy the torch next.  It is supposed to have a thicker blade.
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great skinner
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
skinned 10 coons still on 1st blade..Great knife
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Fantastic for skinning always sharp!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Both my husband and brother in law use this knife for skinning. Its always sharp and to swap the blade(which is very seldom) is a breeze. Wish I had a pair.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
My favorite knife. I think that says enough. Gone are the days of carrying the collection of heavy knives. You can have a Piranta and a dozen blades for less than half the weight of what you are carrying now.
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Hands down the best
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
We on a average year in AZ. Elk hunts skin and quarter aprox. 6/15 Elk and this knife gets it done Two guys can skin and quarter a thousand pound animal in aprox. 35 min. No stoping and changing knives or sharpening here might break a blade but for the most part we got it down over the years we can get through a entire Elk with a single blade maybe two if we break one CANT SAY ENOUGH GREAT TOOL. THANKS!!!!!!
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What a great piece of hunting equipment!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Got this knife late last year and this year is the first time that I had a chance to use it. Great knife. Did a total of 4 elk with two of these knives, went thru 8 blades, saves time since you do not have to stop and sharpen, just replace the blade 30 or fewer seconds and keep going. Will make sure to buy more blades for the future.
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ihave both skinning and fillet pirantas
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
i use them for skinning game and filleting fish,and they save me lots of sharpening time. i can skin one elk with one blade and do an eccellant job and fillet lots of fish.
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Excellence with a handle
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
It takes a while to get used to how sharp the blades are on these knives, but they make detailed work like skinning around the feet of a Bobcat easier than any knife Ive ever owned.Im ordering another for a gift for a friend this Christmas.
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Best in feild dressing knife Ive ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I am a surgeon and love knives.  I have several in my field dressing kit and since Ive owned a Piranta Edge Ive not used anything else.  Last year I dressed a bull with 4 blades.  It took another 2 blades to cape him out.  The effectiveness of the always shape blades is unsurpassed.  If I were allowed only one knife in the field...it would be the Edge!  Great product.
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Shin it like a snake sheds
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I spend Hundreds of dollars on kinfe, never again I just buy blades. Every one in hunting camp used my knife that got a deer :) and love it
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Always Sharp Easy Replacment
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Best knife Ive had in yrs easy safe quick blade replacment Lightweight  Pocket clip a little weak
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These knives are great!!!!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
We use it for skinning animals and also in the kitchen!!!
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Best Knife EVER !!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The fastest way to skin an animal - works great on tough elk hide.
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Best Ever, its that simple
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have solely used this knife to process several deer and even an oryx from New Mexico.I plan to buy another one for fishing use.
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The Best
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
My go to skinning blade for skinning and quartering whitetail.Scalpel sharpGreat value for the money
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I started out using this knife a couple of years ago. I have over twenty knives I thought could get the job done. NOT until I picked up this knife was my work complete. I am a guide and have to cape a lot of heads, this knife made it tremendously easy! NO more knives, only two knives in my back pack the Piranta and the Baracuta. I dont know how many clients I had to order these very same knives for, but a bunch and all of my guide friends from Alaska to the lower 48 are now using them. Even my Taxidermist!!!! Great knife and it works!!!!
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I would buy this product again and again
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Have used this knife for elk, deer , pig great for all animals. one the best knifes I ever bought everybody should own this knife.
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these are great knives
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
these knives are great for skinning. i did break a blade but i was trying to pry something loose and it broke. luckly i had my extra blades to change and keep on working.
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Unbelievably Sharp!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife works wonderfully for what it was designed to do. Its not meant to be a hard-use, bushcraft-type knife, which can handle prying, batoning, etc... I have other knives for that. This knife was designed to skin game, and at that, it excels. So far, Ive used the knife on rabbits and squirrels. It works so well, my father wants one of his own! Ive also dressed two deer with it, and other than separating joints, this is the only knife I used. Blades last a long time as long as you use it as intended. My wife decided to use it for carving a pumpkin this fall and couldnt stop talking about how sharp it was. Highly recommended (by all family members)!
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The Piranta is a game changer
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The Piranta is a game changer.  With the replacement blades its always scary sharp. Youll never have to stop mid-skinning/butchering to sharpen again.The replacement blades mean you dont have to carry a sharpening set.  This, coupled with the lightweight nature of the knife means you can literally shave around a pound out of your pack.  Eliminating that amount of weight and space is really considerable when you bivouacking. The piranta zips through hide making gutting, skinning, and butchering a snap.If theres a downside to the Havalon Piranta, I havent found it.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive used the piranta to skin a grizzly, black bear, two caribou and clean quite a few fish.
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Great knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this product for several months now works great on skining pigs and as an everyday knife.  The blades stay sharp and are very easy to change.
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used for many years
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use this know exclusively I use this knife for all my field dressing, quartering, deboning, and skinning needs.  I have a box full of other knifes that I no longer use.  I carry one of these knifes + few extra blades.  That is all I need for all my field work with game.  I even use it for birds.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Just finished cutting up an elk in the back country. Used the guttless method and this knife was by far superior than any others Ive used. Changed out 1 blade only. Only drawback is that it doesnt cuut through bone! Still used the hatchet for that!
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My friends are jealous....
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
A sharp knife makes for extra clean field dressing, I do carry a heavier knife to cut through bones.  I bought this for an Alaska trip and now use it on every deer I kill - field dressing and skinning.
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So good I bought two of my friends one.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I will use this knife for years to come I bought 100 extra blades to be sure I will have them when needed.  I recommend it.
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add it to your arsenal
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
it saved my butt on a sheep hunt. read my testimonial
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excellent light weight pack knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
a perfect knife for the successfull hunter,trapper that always needs a sharp tool to do their intricate and get into tight places type jobs.
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Best all around knife...period
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used it for everything from hiking to hunting, to around the house. Hell, Ive even used it in the kitchen. Its small, light, and strong. Im surprised how strong the blades are for as thin as they are are. I bought a package of the newer ""heavier duty"" blades but havent had to use them yet.If you are going to carry one knife this should be it.They could charge twice as much and Id buy it again. Even the replacement blades are fairly priced. Their shipping prices are also very fair, and they ship fast. Good product, good company. What else do you need to know. Just buy it already!
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Excellent Sharp Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is the best deer skinning knife I have ever used!
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WOW! What a knife.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I use my Havalon to skin and clean deer. I use it to bone and process the meat as well. Another I use often in my camp kitchen for preparing meat to cook, slicing veggies and such. Wish I had received one years ago. I have not given one to anyone who was not tickled to get it. I hate to sharped knives and never have to with Havalon. Just replace the blade and keep cutting.
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Awesome Knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used this knife for the first time last year and what a tremendous tool in my pack. It is very sharp, blades change in a snap and it is light weight to boot. Would not go on a hunt without it!
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Sharpest knife in your pocket
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have field dressed several moose with this Knife and I will never go back to the sharpener.
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Great knife!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knife, Scary sharp! Can easily quarter and skin an entire elk with one blade, but replacements are cheap enough that Ill usually use two.  All my hunting buddies that have seen mine in action have laughed when it first comes out but the funny thing is that when its all said and done they are ordering one by the end of the day.
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8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I am not a very good knife sharpener so I find that this knife is the best knife I have ever owned.  When the blade becomes dull I just replace it with a new blade.  I use my knife for cleaning birds all the way up to cleaning and skinning elk.  I can gut, skin and quarter an elk all with one blade.  By far the best hunting knife I have ever owned.
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Great blade and keeps an amazing edge
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have used this to skin many different animals.  Such as deer, hog, rabbits, etc.  It has kept an amazing edge and would take this knife over any other.  When your blade gets dull, it come with 12 more brand new blades with sharp edges.  This knife truly is the best out there.
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Havalon Piranta
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
When I 1st purchased the knife I have to admit I was skeptical. It did not take long before i was won over by its usefulness. I only carry the Piranta everyday now which is saying something as I own a rather extensive knife collection. Buy the knife and a box of 100 replacement blades and you will be set for a long while. I recently skinned 2 deer on 1 replacement blade my hunting partner was so impressed he bought one the next day.. Buy it dont look back!
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My Piranta-Edge
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I never have to worry about a dull knife anymore!
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What an amazing product!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I could not believe how little time it took me to skin 3 white tails. Amazing.
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Sharpest knife Ive ever used
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Ive used this knife the past 2 hunting seasons and have dressed and skinned deer, elk and antelope with it. I change the blade at the beginning of each season but it would easily handle multiple animals with one blade.It takes a little getting used to because it is so sharp but after hunting for over 40 years, Ive never had a knife I liked as well as this one.
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Ready when you are
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have owned a Piranta for over a year. Very dependable especially with the heavy duty blades. Can generally skin 3 to 4 white tail deer with one blade.
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Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
First time i used the knife was to skin an elk a few weeks ago.  worked great on that tough hide.I look forward to using it on whitetail this season also.
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Last knife you will need.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have owned this product for 3 years and have bought several for gifts. This is the real deal and I will never own another knife. I have used it on bear, deer, squirrels, ducks, geese, coyotes, and pheasants. Worked great for all of them. Only con I have is that it takes a little practice to get used to the sharpness. Be careful.
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Breast knife for bird hunters
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Just got back from hunting upland game birds.  This knife does a fantastic job of cleaning and cutting the breasts off of game birds.  The knife is the right size, weight and the key is how incredibly sharp it always is.
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I chucked the Buck
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I had a great knife from Buck Knives that was easy to use and extremely sharp.  Over time though, it got tougher and tougher to keep that factory-sharp edge.  I never got to the point where I was ready to toss it but I longed for the early days.  On a whim, I ordered the Piranta.  I decided to get the orange because there were a couple of times I dropped that camoed Buck knife in the dark and wasted time hunting around for that thing.  After using the Piranta on several white-tail deer, the Buck has been relegated to the tougher blade-dulling tasks.  Thats what they mean by having the right tool for the right job!
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Piranta review.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Best skinning knife I have ever used
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The best knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have been hunting scene I was 4, shot my first deer when I was 6. This is the best knife I have every used! I live in Alaska, and when it comes to cutting up big game or small game this is the knife my husband and I carry. I love how light it is. When Goat hunting and sheep hunting when weight is an issue you cant beat it. Take 20 extra blades it still wont weigh as much another skinning knife. I grew up hunting and doing taxidermy on the side. So I want to be extra careful with my capes and meat.  You cant beat a scalpel blade and to have it on a knife handle it just feels right.  I wont go hunting without it. I can skinn a moose in half the time with this knife. And when its 20 below outside you dont want to mess around.
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Great Knive for sheep hunters, light
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great knive and blades for backpacking as it is really light, the only thing is taking the blade off, you need a leatherman or some sort of pliars to pull it off or risk cutting yourself if you try to pull it off by hand.
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Gotta Have Knife !!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Best thing out for skin it yourself hunters. GREAT for caping out around heads and small places. So light yet very strong !!!
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A must have for any hunter
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have used this knife for boning out and elk in Montana, quartering deer in Washington, and cleaning ducks and upland birds.  It has been an all-around great piece of gear.
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great product, resonable prices!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Brought the knife for elk hunting.  Once I used it the first time all of the other guys wanted to borrow it for their elk!
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Always sharp
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I have given this knife to my son, grandson, grandson-in-law - need I say more.OK, I will. I hate sharpening hunting knives. By using a Havalon, I avoid that issue.
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Saves so much time. Dont have to sharpe
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The piranta is a little short for large animals. I have used it on 3 elk. It was much faster than the old fashioned hunting knives. Just received my new Baracuta. I have not use it yet but looks like it will help on elk and fish. The only con for both of these knives is the replacement of blades. I just carry my Leatherman and the problem is solved. Great products.
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Great Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Last fall we downed 3 elk.  I had just purchased my Piranta.  My hunting buddy was using a traditional knife.  I had 2 elk gutted and skinned before he has his gutted.  He borrowed my knife and absolutely loved it (he bought one on the way home).  Get one NOW, you cant go wrong.
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"No sharpeners needed"
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This is the best knife I have ever owned. Lightweight and extremely sharp. I am so glad I no longer have to worry about sharpening a knife in the middle of a skinning job.
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Everyone should own one!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife is great, I really like the interchangable blades. It cuts super easily, the blade can be a little flimsy if you are not careful. Its not meant for cutting through bone or twisting, but does the job if you know what your doing.
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Best Skinning Knife Ever
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Used it to cape and bone out my Axis Deer I shot in Hawaii on the Island of Lanai!Took no time at all to take care of this deer with the Havalon Knife!
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Best Skinning Knife I have ever owned!!!
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Best Skinning Knife I have ever owned!!!! Quick, easy, and sharpest knife in my arsenal!!!
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Excellent Skinning Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Excellent knife!  Have used to skin several deer and knife has made process much faster. Blades are very easy to replace and you never have to worry about sharpening a knife again.-Would like to see a thicker blade made to avoid breaking the blade when cutting around bone.
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Really. Best knife ever.
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
This knife fits in your pocket and hand perfectly. Its so sharp. Cuts like a hot knife through butter. This is the only knife I need anymore.
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Decent little skinning knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I was able to use this knife on both a mule deer and an elk this season.  It seemed to handle the deer much better than the elk.  I had 2 different blade types that I tested.  The standard blade and the shorter #22 blunt tip blades.  I preferred the shorter blades, as they seemed to be tougher and last longer.  Both kept a good edge, unless you started to cut through the actual hide of the animal.  In the future, Ill be trying out the #22 blades with the sharp tip, as I think that would be the best combo for me.  The knife worked great for skinning the hide back from the meat and also for de-boning the meat, after the quarters were removed.  Its not ideal for any joint work or cutting through thick hide (especially on elk).  With bloody hands, the blades can sometimes be hard to change out.  Be sure and have dry hands when trying to swap these out.  Id recommend it to others with that kind of description.
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Sharp and Light Knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Great sharp knife, and I mean sharp -- light and easy to replace the blades
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Great knife, easy to use, easy to find
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
The only knife you will ever need.
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I really appreciate how sharp the blades are
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Got this knife in a hunting kit. I had Wyoming knife fresh out of the package. The plastic handle snapped. This one though did an entire moose. Several blades snapped but it held its own.
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Cant wait to get another knife
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
Use this knife on one deer yesterday stayed sharp doing the whole time been nice to have a longer blade like a fillet knife
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Best skinning knife I have ever used
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I purchased this knife a local sporting goods store after seeing in in an archery magazine. I did not shoot anything so I did not use it for gutting. I did skin two deer for my neighbor with just one blade and I a pretty sure I could do one more before changing the blade. I just bought one for my brother in law for Christmas and I am going to get the Barracuta before next season. I think I will then be able to retire all my other knives. I have never been so pleased with a knife and wish I had a Piranta and Barracuta years ago!
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Good for more than skinning
8/31/2020 9:40 AM
I bought this product for my aging father to replace his old scalpel for cutting bull calves on our 100+ head cattle ranch. He and I both enjoy the large, gripped handle,  which makes it easier and safer to use when working around 600 pound animals.  We also appreciate the blaze Orange handle,  as this feature makes it hard to misplace on the working shed workbench. Ease of blade change is also a nice feature for us, as being good cattlemen with concern for the overall well being of our livestock we change the blade every time we work a group of calves. Overall,  we are both very pleased.
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